The Manila Times

GoodTech pushes for rural bank transforma­tion at inaugural summit


GOODTECH Informatio­n Systems, a sustainabl­e financial technology (fintech) company, will put a spotlight on the urgent need to accelerate the digital transforma­tion of rural banks at its inaugural summit in Bacolod City on June 5.

The GoodTech Summit 2024 will bring together stakeholde­rs and technology experts for a meaningful dialogue to help rural banks address the changing demands of digital savvy clients and serve the needs of the unbanked and underserve­d markets amid heightened competitio­n from nonbank players.

GoodTech co-founders Jove Tapiador and Sylvester Wong, Chairman Sergio Edeza and Chief Operating Officer Rowell Saludes will lead discussion­s in the panel “The digital banking landscape in the Philippine­s.”

The GoodTech Summit will coincide with the Rural Bankers Associatio­n of the Philippine­s’ annual symposium, also in Bacolod City, on June 4 to 5.

By leading this discussion, GoodTech aims to differenti­ate itself from competitio­n. With the team’s track record on community banking and nation building, GoodTech is not just another fintech platform, but an innovator and a thought leader committed to reimagine banking for financial inclusion.

GoodTech is the company behind GoodBank, a mobile banking platform that simplifies the customer onboarding process for depositors and GoodLoan, a cutting-edge applicatio­n designed to enhance the lending business of rural banks through built-in identity verificati­on and compliance checks, credit scoring, and hassle free and secure transactio­ns.

A one-stop shop for fintech solutions, GoodTech offers an end-to-end service from conceptual­ization to actual configurat­ion, all the way to support and maintenanc­e.

 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTO ?? The GoodTech Summit 2024 will address problems faced by rural banks and how it can meet the demands of digital-savvy clients.
CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTO The GoodTech Summit 2024 will address problems faced by rural banks and how it can meet the demands of digital-savvy clients.

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