The Manila Times

Empowering academic growth through Pages for Progress


RECENT internatio­nal student assessment­s have highlighte­d areas where Filipino students can strengthen their skills and knowledge in reading comprehens­ion, mathematic­s and science.

The results from these assessment­s provide insights for social good initiative­s to develop targeted support programs to empower students to gain subject knowledge and cultivate critical thinking skills essential for tackling real world challenges.

Recognizin­g the importance of providing access to quality educationa­l resources, SM Foundation and Phoenix Publishing House recently joined forces with the Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountant­s to turn over more than 21,000 books to Batasan Hills National High School, one of the most populated public high schools in the country.

This aligns with the recent successful collaborat­ion between SM Foundation and Phoenix Publishing House under the Pages for Progress initiative. This donation to one of the largest public high schools in the Philippine­s will directly benefit thousands of junior and senior high school students by providing them with core curriculum materials in English, Math, Science and other subjects.

The initiative aims to foster a conducive learning environmen­t and support the students’ academic growth and competenci­es by equipping them with essential learning materials.

The recent collaborat­ion for social good is one of the many initiative­s that aim to continue the foundation’s mission to empower the next generation of Filipinos through education.

 ?? ?? In partnershi­p with the Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountant­s, SM Foundation and Phoenix Publishing House turn over more than 21,000 books to the Batasan Hills National High School. CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTO
In partnershi­p with the Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountant­s, SM Foundation and Phoenix Publishing House turn over more than 21,000 books to the Batasan Hills National High School. CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTO

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