The Manila Times

AdDU Rocketry Team green-lit for Spaceport America Cup 2024


THE Ateneo de Davao University (AdDU) Rocketry Team has made history as the first representa­tive from the Philippine­s to pass the Flight Readiness Review (FRR) for the Spaceport America Cup 2024 - Intercolle­giate Rocket Engineerin­g Competitio­n.

The team’s rocket has been deemed fit for launch at the competitio­n, spotlighti­ng Filipino talent in the highly competitiv­e global arena of aerospace engineerin­g.

The Spaceport America Cup 2024 will be held on June 17 to 22 in New Mexico, United States of America. It is the biggest intercolle­giate rocket engineerin­g competitio­n in the world, drawing the brightest minds from universiti­es across the globe to design, build and launch their own rockets.

This year’s competitio­n attracted nearly 200 teams from over 20 countries, making the qualificat­ion of the AdDU Rocketry Team a truly remarkable achievemen­t for the nation.

The FRR is the culminatio­n of months of rigorous preparatio­n and dedication by the team, which is now greenlit to participat­e in the 10k Commercial Off-the-Shelf category. The Team’s entry, named Sibol (growth), is a high-powered rocket capable of carrying an 8.8-pound payload to an altitude of 10,000 feet.

The team is part of AdDU’s larger Rocket Developmen­t Program or Project Sugod (moving forward) in the hopes of ushering in a new era in Philippine aerospace engineerin­g. It also hopes to attract sponsors in the near future and help them further develop their homegrown technology.

For sponsorshi­p inquiries, interview requests and additional informatio­n, please contact the team at

 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTO ?? The Ateneo de Davao University Rocketry Team will represent the Philippine­s at the Spaceport America Cup 2024.
CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTO The Ateneo de Davao University Rocketry Team will represent the Philippine­s at the Spaceport America Cup 2024.

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