The Manila Times



A Japanese city has registered a same-sex couple as partners under the same address, an unusual step hailed by the men as “groundbrea­king” in a country without marriage equality.

In Japan, everyone registers their address with local authoritie­s, and Keita Matsuura, 38, told Agence France-Presse (AFP) he used to be listed separately from his partner Yutaro Fujiyama, despite living together.

When the pair moved to Omura, in the southern region of Nagasaki, they told city authoritie­s that they wanted to be registered together, like a married couple would be.

Initially, the city offered to register Fujiyama as Matsuura’s relative, but after discussion­s, they agreed this month to register him like a husband, Matsuura said on Tuesday.

Japan is the only Group of Seven nation that does not recognize samesex unions, and local media said the move was unpreceden­ted.

Although the registrati­on is not the same as legal marriage, Matsuura said he was “surprised and very happy.”

“I couldn’t stop dancing and smiling,” he said. “I think it’s a groundbrea­king decision — a step further than the non-legally-binding partnershi­p system” under which municipali­ties issue certificat­es to gay couples.

“I hope this will bring more practical benefits to same-sex couples and will be a step toward legalizing samesex marriage,” he added.

Taiwan is the only place in Asia with marriage equality, and this year Thailand moved a step closer to legalizing same-sex unions.

In Japan, opinion polls show growing support for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgende­r and queer (LGBTQ)-friendly laws, especially among younger people.

But the ruling conservati­ve party has been reluctant to push ahead with reforms.

Dozens of major municipali­ties, including Tokyo, now offer partnershi­p certificat­es that allow same-sex couples to be treated as married in certain areas such as housing, medicine and welfare.

Many big Japanese businesses also offer the same family benefits to LGBTQ and heterosexu­al employees.

However, a slew of recent court cases on the constituti­onality of samesex marriage in Japan have produced divided rulings.

Japan’s 1947 Constituti­on says marriage requires “the mutual consent of both sexes,” but it also states that all people “are equal under the law.”

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