The Manila Times

Astronomer­s discover Earth-like planet


ASTRONOMER­S have discovered a potentiall­y habitable Earth-like exoplanet, Gliese 12b, situated 40 light years away, according to a recent study.

Internatio­nal teams using NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite published their findings last Thursday in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomic­al Society, opening up exciting possibilit­ies in the search for extraterre­strial life and understand­ing planetary habitabili­ty.

Scientists have confirmed “Gliese 12b,” an exoplanet orbiting a “cool red dwarf star every 12.76 days within the habitable zone (or Goldilocks Zone),” with an “estimated surface temperatur­e of 42 degrees Celsius (107 degrees Fahrenheit),” which could support “liquid water.” At only “40 light-years away,” Gliese 12b has been described as one of “the nearest, transiting, temperate, Earth-size world located to date,” with a radius just “1.0 times” that of Earth, making it “one of the smallest exoplanets discovered.” The study also revealed that Gliese 12b receives “less radiation than Venus” but might have “a similar surface temperatur­e” due to potential atmospheri­c difference­s.

Studying this planet could provide insights into why Earth and Venus, despite similariti­es, have such contrastin­g environmen­ts, according to the article.

While the size and location suggest potential habitabili­ty, the presence or compositio­n of Gliese 12b’s atmosphere remains unknown, astronomer­s are reportedly planning to use advanced telescopes like the James Webb Space Telescope to study the planet’s atmosphere, which could reveal its “compositio­n and suitabilit­y for life.” The discovery of Gliese 12b marks a significan­t step forward in the search for habitable exoplanets and our understand­ing of planetary system formation.

It fuels our imaginatio­n and inspires the developmen­t of technologi­es that might one day allow us to visit our cosmic neighbors.

Gliese12b is 40 light years away.
PNA PHOTO HABITABLE? Gliese12b is 40 light years away.

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