The Manila Times


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Today’s %irthday 0 1 . 6hine your light this year. 6teady collaborat­ion builds teamwork for long-term shared benefit. A quiet, reflective summer adapts plans, leading to flowering autumn collaborat­ions with amazing friends. Recharge and prioritize health and fitness this winter, before sweet springtime romance blossoms.

To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challengin­g.

AR,(6 0AR&+ 1-A3R,/ 1 — Today is a — A creative project could maNe a mess. %eautiful results may reTuire some deconstruc tion. Undo an error. )ix a mistaNe. Adapt around a surprise.

TA8R86 A3R,/ 0-0A< 0 — Today is a — TaNe care of do mestic messes or they grow larger. 0aNe repairs before something breaNs. +unt for simple solutions with a family pu]]le. Collaborat­e and coordinate.

*(0,1, 0A< 1--81( 0 — Today is an 8 — Write a bad first draft. 0aNe a mess. 0old and edit into something interestin­g. Adapt around a challenge or surprise. Express your creative idea.

&A1&(R -81( 1--8/< — Today is a — 0onitor cash flow to adjust with unexpected expenses. Communicat­ion and action are your superpower­s. Connect and share. 0aNe powerful reTuests. Provide excellent services.

/(2 -8/< -A8*. — Today is a —

9,R*2 A8*. -6(3T. — Today is a 6 —


/,%RA 6(3T. -2&T. — Today is a — .eep your patience. Untangle a Nnot. 6how respect even when others forget. A challenge could be divisive. 5emind people of shared commit ments, goals and ideals.

6&2R3,2 2&T. -129. 1 — Today is an 8 — Adapt with an unschedule­d change at worN. Align words and actions to clean a mess. A challenge reTuires attention.

6A*,TTAR,86 129. -'(&. 1 — Today is a 6 — Dig into an investigat­ion. Watch for hidden dangers along the road. Delays and obstacles abound. Adapt around surprises. +unt for solutions to a challengin­g pu]]le.

&A3R,&2R1 '(&. --A1. 1 — Today is a — Practice extra patience with your partner, especially concerning a financial challenge. 6upport each other around a change. 6urprises can get expensive. 6hare the load.

A48AR,86 -A1. 0-)(%. 1 — Today is an 8 — Changes reTuire adaptation. Avoid butting heads with your partner. .eep snarNy comments to a minimum. ,t’s never too late to apologi]e. 6hare support and results.

3,6&(6 )(%. 1 -0AR&+ 0 — Today is a — Watch where you’re going. 6low to avoid accidents. 1urture your physical health and wellness. Don’t ignore a warning sign. Eat well and rest extra.

Astrologer 1ancy %lacN continues her mother /inda %lacN’s legacy horoscopes column. 6he welcomes comments and Tuestions on Twitter, #/indaC%lacN. )or more astrologic­al interpreta­tions liNe today’s *emini horoscope, visit /inda %lacN Astrology by clicNing daily horoscopes, or go to

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1ancy %lack.

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