The Manila Times

Cool places to escape to within 300 km from Manila

Embracing the simple joy of driving


THERE’s genuine pleasure in driving long distances, taking you away from the stress of your daily commute to work or running errands. Driving out of the city to distant places provides freedom and brings excitement from discoverin­g new things, meeting new people, and gaining new experience­s. With city temperatur­es rising to dangerous levels, taking a drive out of town also offers a refreshing escape. Going on a drive can ALSO BENEfiT MENTAL health by providing a healthy distractio­n from daily stressors, requiring you to focus on the road, giving you more time to think and relax. It also offers a chance to bond with your special someone, family and friends.

But driving isn’t just about the journey; it’s also about the destinatio­n. You invest a significan­t amount of time getting there, and the destinatio­n must contribute to mental decompress­ion, allowing you to unwind and refocus. The destinatio­n should leave you feeling recharged when you return to city life.

Driving within 300 kilometers (kms) of Manila is enough to take you to some of the most beautiful landscapes on the island of Luzon. It provides you and your companions with the opportunit­y to immerse yourselves in new cultures and communitie­s, sample regional cuisines, try new activities, and enrich your travels with

personal stories and connection­s. So, we select five destinatio­ns that you can escape to within 300 kms from Manila for enriching travel experience­s.

Atok, Benguet (289 kms)

Atok in Benguet has always been a favorite for those traveling to the Cordillera via the Halsema Highway. For the longest time, Barangay Cattubo in Atok, situated 2,255 meters above sea level, was considered the highest point in the Philippine highway system until the distinctio­n was transferre­d to Tinoc. However, Atok is not just a stopover but also an interestin­g place to stay for several days. With its high elevation, it is one of the coolest places in the Philippine­s, even cooler than Baguio or Sagada.

Atok boasts of several flower farms that one can visit. The Northern Blossom Flower Farm, in particular, has several hectares of land planted with rows of colorful flowers. Atok also offers other places to explore, such as Sakura Park, Wagangan Rock Formations, the Osocan Spanish Trail, and Mt. Timbak.

Malico, San Nicolas, Pangasinan (216 kilometers)

The newly opened Villaverde Trail, connecting San Nicolas, Pangasinan and Santa Fe, Nueva Vizcaya, is every adventurer’s dream destinatio­n. The trail offers a scenic drive through the Caraballo mountain range, giving visitors the chance to learn more about one of the most historic battles during the Second World War and taste some of the organic upland vegetables and fruits. The total distance between San Nicolas and Santa Fe is 46 kilometers, and this newly completed road climbs up to an elevation of 1,300 meters above sea level in Barangay Malico, where several guesthouse­s have opened to accommodat­e visitors who wish to stay longer. Visitors can also go camping, trekking, visit waterfalls, and indulge in strawberry picking.

Gumaca, Quezon (214 kms)

Considered one of the oldest municipali­ties in Quezon province, Gumaca is an interestin­g place to visit for those interested in heritage, culture and the arts. Several ancestral houses lining the old streets of Gumaca can still be visited to appreciate their rich Castilian architectu­re and character. The massive San Diego de Alcala Cathedral, first establishe­d in 1582, has retained its beautiful Baroque design, together with its original retablo done in Neo-Gothic design and the trompe-l’oeil ceiling paintings.

There’s also the Baluarte de San Diego de Alcala, a fortress erected in the 1700s to guard the town from pirate attacks. The best time to visit Gumaca is every May 15, during the annual Arana’t Baluarte Festival, a thanksgivi­ng feast for the bountiful harvest farmers get every year.

Luna, La Union (297 kms)

Formerly known as Namacpacan (from the Ilocano word meaning “the one who feeds”), Luna was renamed after Dona Laureana Novicio Luna, the mother of Juan and Antonio, who were born in Namacpacan. It is known as a pilgrimage site for the venerated Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception of Namacpacan, known for several miracles and healings.

Luna is renowned for its pebble beaches in Nalvo Sur and Dariagayos. A complex made entirely from pebbles, called Bahay na Bato, has become a popular tourist attraction in Luna. In Barangay Victoria, the ruins of an old Spanish watchtower, locally known as Baluarte, provide an interestin­g reminder of Namacpacan’s importance as a lookout point during the Spanish period.

Baler, Aurora (271 kms)

A personal favorite whenever I wish to get away from it all is Baler. I always enjoy the scenic drive through Pantabagan Dam and Sierra Madre to see this beautiful town by the Pacific Coast. In Baler, you wake up early to see the magnificen­t sunrise over the Pacific. It is known as a paradise for surfers, but for non-surfers, it is a good place to soak in the local vibes, try local foods, and meet local people.

Baler is also an important jump-off point for adventures to the Pacific: trekking to secret waterfalls, visiting hidden coves and beaches, and taking the time to meet the friendly Dumagats.

 ?? ??
 ?? ?? San Diego de Alcala Cathedral of Alcala in Quezon.
San Diego de Alcala Cathedral of Alcala in Quezon.
 ?? ?? Stone Arts in Bahay na Bato in Luna, La Union.
Stone Arts in Bahay na Bato in Luna, La Union.
 ?? ?? Barangay Malico entrance in Pangasinan.
Barangay Malico entrance in Pangasinan.
 ?? ?? San Diego de Alcala Cathedral in Gumaca, Quezon.
San Diego de Alcala Cathedral in Gumaca, Quezon.
 ?? ?? Fog covered mountains of Atok, Benguet.
Fog covered mountains of Atok, Benguet.
 ?? ?? Old Spanish Baluarte in Alcala, Quezon.
Old Spanish Baluarte in Alcala, Quezon.
 ?? ?? Lamon Bay in Gumaca, Quezon.
Lamon Bay in Gumaca, Quezon.
 ?? ?? Baler waterfalls in Aurora.
Baler waterfalls in Aurora.
 ?? ?? Baler sunrise
Baler sunrise

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