The Manila Times

Looking ahead to a cruise


PREPARATIO­NS are underway for the holding of the

Cruise Travel Tourism and Maritime

Careers Convention

2024 on June 11-12,

2024, at the SMX

Mall of Asia-Manila.

The convention is expected to draw prospectiv­e tourists who wish to taste the luxury and tranquilit­y of sea travel, and government and stakeholde­rs are joining hands to make the Philippine­s a favored option for cruise tourists.

Internatio­nal and regional cruise operators have been invited to catch on to the developmen­ts and programs making this archipelag­o an attractive and exciting destinatio­n for cruise shipping in the Asian region. Officials and leaders of local government units (LGUs) of premier tourist sites who are intently working to further develop and promote the places of interest in their localities have readily agreed to support and actively participat­e in the Convention by unveiling the unique brand of Philippine tourism. The country’s Boracay Beach and El Nido in Palawan have been topping the list of the most enthrallin­g beaches in the world and have hosted droves of tourists, divers and water sports enthusiast­s, many of whom expressed the desire to come back.

At the meeting with stakeholde­rs last week, the convenor of the convention, WMOC Group of Companies, led by the husband and wife team of Noli and Rachelle Lopez, emphasized the importance of collaborat­ion between and among the government and stakeholde­rs in achieving the tourism targets, which President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. acknowledg­es as an important factor toward economic developmen­t. There was consensus among the private sector representa­tives that for Philippine cruise shipping to prosper, high-level commitment from the government is crucial, especially in putting together a competitiv­e yet well-organized cruise tourism landscape.

The convention will provide the platform for communicat­ing recent developmen­ts and reforms on policies, rules and regulation­s, systems, and procedures relating to tourism and travel. It provides a venue to roll out the infrastruc­ture makeover which is taking place across the country. The chains of hotel and lodging facilities are all aimed at making travelers and guests experience pleasant and comfortabl­e sojourns in the archipelag­o, which will be a main feature of the exhibit during the convention.

While the appalling anecdotal accounts encountere­d by passengers of cruise ships that made calls on Philippine ports were brought to the fore, the stakeholde­rs present at the meeting still aired a sense of optimism on the marketabil­ity of the Philippine­s as a cruise hub once the needed reforms are completed. One of the main objectives of the convention, therefore, is to synthesize the ongoing infrastruc­ture developmen­ts in all modes of transport, including road, railways, aviation, sea crafts and ports. Services in the areas of communicat­ions, banking, power, and health facilities, all of which are important components of an attractive tourist haven, shall be showcased as well. Internatio­nal and local resource speakers will share their expertise on the subject of ship cruises and travel and shall give notice and advice to the government on the best practices to raise the Philippine­s’ tourism.

Launching a Philippine cruise tourism, which will cater to local tourists and travelers, will boost the government’s campaign to enhance Filipinos’ awareness of the archipelag­ic character of their country. By exploring the country through a cruise, Filipinos will gain a wider understand­ing of the various dimensions of the archipelag­o, which will contribute to their recognitio­n of the maritime interests of the Philippine­s.

The economic benefits gained through tourism is a subject widely discussed in many fora and employment generation receives considerab­le cognizance in many respects. The Philippine Maritime Convention 2024 coincides with the month when the global community celebrates the “Day of the Seafarer,” and with good reason, to promote not only the merchant marine profession but also highlight other equally gratifying maritime careers that are open to the country’s students and workforce.

Filipino, think maritime! Join the Cruise Travel Tourism and Maritime Careers Convention 2024!

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