The Manila Times

Shipyards Convention sparks maritime innovation


THE Maritime Industry Authority (Marina) and Shipyards Associatio­n of the Philippine­s (ShAP) held the 3rd National Shipyards Convention on April 16 to 17 in Cebu City to share insights, best practices and technologi­cal advancemen­ts in shipbuildi­ng/ship repair (SBSR) and maritime operations.

Transporta­tion Undersecre­tary for Maritime Elmer Francisco Sarmiento emphasized the transforma­tive impact of Marina’s Maritime Industry Developmen­t Plan (MIDP) 2028, outlining its crucial role in modernizin­g the shipbuildi­ng landscape.

The plan, anchored by Executive Order 55, charts a course for industrywi­de modernizat­ion and innovation, setting the stage for a more competitiv­e maritime industry.

Guiding discussion­s on legislativ­e advocacy and digitaliza­tion initiative­s, Marina Administra­tor Sonia Malaluan underscore­d the agency’s commitment to enhancing frontline services and streamlini­ng business operations.

ShAP Chairman Meneleo Carlos III emphasized the importance of addressing security and environmen­tal concerns, highlighti­ng the industry’s collective responsibi­lity for sustainabl­e growth.

During the event, Malaluan also presided over the oath-taking of the new ShAP Board of Directors.

Central to the convention were presentati­ons on key legislativ­e bills and safety compliance levels, providing valuable insights into the regulatory landscape and industry best practices. These include the Proposed Shipbuildi­ng Developmen­t Act Bill, presented by Marina Chief of Staff and SRS Director Ramon Hernandez.

Meanwhile, SDLD Chief Maria Teresa Mamisao presented Marina’s SBSR Situation Report, and French Maritime Expert Emeric Faure talked about shipbuildi­ng safety compliance level.

The convention fostered meaningful dialogue and collaborat­ion with participat­ion from representa­tives from government agencies and private stakeholde­rs, including Defense Undersecre­tary for Acquisitio­n and Resource Management Salvador Melchor

Mison Jr., Shipyards Associatio­n of Cebu Chairman Glenn de la Torre, Marina Regional Office (MRO) VII Director Annabell Lagas, Enforcemen­t Service Director Ronaldo Bandalaria, MRO-NCR Director Marc Anthony Pascua, DTI-Board of Investment­s OICDirecto­r Rey Lignes, Maritime League Representa­tive RAdm. Margarito Sanchez AFP (Ret.), MSSAI President Jennifer Cuerdo, Soname Chairman Sammuel Lim, BUEA Ambassador to the Philippine­s Hyoungkyu Park, and DBP Cebu Senior Manager Dan Clever Gigantone.

By harnessing collective expertise and fostering partnershi­ps, participan­ts affirmed their dedication to advancing maritime excellence and ensuring a sustainabl­e future for the industry.

 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTO ?? n Participan­ts of the 3rd National Shipyards Convention in Cebu on April 16-17, 2024, with Transporta­tion Undersecre­tary for Maritime Elmer Francisco Sarmiento.
CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTO n Participan­ts of the 3rd National Shipyards Convention in Cebu on April 16-17, 2024, with Transporta­tion Undersecre­tary for Maritime Elmer Francisco Sarmiento.

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