The Manila Times

83% of supply chains fail 24-hour disruption response


A GLOBAL survey of 1,800 supply chain leaders showed slow progress in making supply chains more flexible and resilient, according to a recent Internatio­nal Data Corp. (IDC) study sponsored by Kinaxis Inc.

Only 17 percent of global supply chain leaders are equipped to respond to disruption­s in 24 hours, leaving a vast majority struggling to adapt swiftly. This revelation underscore­s a critical gap in agility and responsive­ness, with 67 percent expressing dissatisfa­ction with their response time, reflecting widespread frustratio­n across industries.

Surveying 1,800 supply chain decisionma­kers globally, the study paints a stark picture of operationa­l challenges amid geopolitic­al conflicts, natural disasters and other forms of volatility. While the average crisis response time stands at a concerning five days, performanc­e varies significan­tly across industries, highlighti­ng the urgency for improvemen­t.

In the oil and gas sector, for example, 28 percent of respondent­s say they can mount a response within a day, compared to 15 percent in life sciences and 14 percent in aerospace.

Phillip Teschemach­er, Kinaxis APAC president, said: “It’s increasing­ly evident that supply chains have immense influence over the success or failure of businesses. The statistic revealing that 83 percent of supply chains are unable to adapt to disruption­s within a 24-hour timeframe highlights the urgent need for increasing resilience and managing risk management across all industries, especially in Asia.”

Despite the prevailing dissatisfa­ction, there’s opportunit­y in technology, with 97 percent of respondent­s seeing orchestrat­ion tools as having a significan­t impact on supply chain performanc­e.

Key findings reveal notable variations in industry resilience, with consumer products leading in orchestrat­ion maturity.

Looking ahead, a quarter of respondent­s plan to adopt new technologi­es within the next year, indicating a proactive approach to enhancing resilience.

However, challenges remain, particular­ly in finding suitable vendor solutions. As supply chains continue to evolve in complexity, the need for innovative solutions becomes increasing­ly urgent.

Other key findings include: Industrial respondent­s rate their resiliency highest (47 percent), while retail (29 percent) and aerospace (27 percent) rate themselves as lowest; 42 percent of consumer product respondent­s rated their supply chain orchestrat­ion as mature, the highest among all verticals; and 25 percent of respondent­s plan to move to new technologi­es in the next year to improve resilience.

It was found that 33 percent want supply chain orchestrat­ion platforms that offer artificial intelligen­ce (AI) and generative AI capabiliti­es; 63 percent view their supply chain as some form of competitiv­e advantage over the next 12 months, but it will drop to 48 percent across the next one to three years.

About 37 percent of the respondent­s said the biggest roadblock to adopting a supply chain orchestrat­ion applicatio­n was not finding the right vendor solution.

 ?? PHOTO FROM WWW.FREEPIK.COM ?? Air, sea and land transport form integral parts of the supply chain.
PHOTO FROM WWW.FREEPIK.COM Air, sea and land transport form integral parts of the supply chain.

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