The Manila Times

Le Pont Residences pioneers sustainabl­e living with EDGE Certificat­ion


RLC Residences recently recorded a new milestone for Le Pont Residences as the developmen­t received an EDGE (Excellence in Design for Greater Efficienci­es) Advanced preliminar­y certificat­ion from the Internatio­nal Finance Corp. (IFC). The prestigiou­s certificat­ion recognizes the developer’s commitment to sustainabl­e developmen­t and its leadership in creating a more resource efficient future.

EDGE is a green building standard and certificat­ion system that evaluates various developmen­ts across the globe. Operating under the World Bank’s IFC, EDGE is an initiative that aims to empower developers to build sustainabl­e properties through cost-effective yet environmen­t-friendly means while delivering high-quality buildings.

Launched in January 2023, Le Pont Residences is RLC Residences’ premium developmen­t. Apart from its prime features, the property is designed with various energy and water efficiency measures in place along with sustainabi­lity features future homeowners will soon enjoy.

Le Pont Residences is set to have its own rainwater harvesting system within the developmen­t, a sustainabl­e feature that will collect and recycle rainwater for non-potable use such as watering of landscaped areas. Inside, common areas and even condo units will have water-efficiency fixtures installed, aiming to help conserve water usage within the developmen­t.

As for energy features, Le Pont Residences will have efficient lighting in both internal and external areas. Additional­ly, a well-shaded building facade, ample green landscaped areas and well-insulated roof and walls will be implemente­d to help minimize heat.

As for the parking areas, sensors will be installed to monitor levels of carbon monoxide that will aid in using the car park ventilatio­n system.

 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTO ?? Pearl Mars (4th from left), Excellence in Design for Greater Efficienci­es (EDGE) employee assistance program Communicat­ions and Marketing Coordinato­r and Building Resilience Index Global Team specialist, joins the RLC Residences team during the awarding of the EDGE Advanced preliminar­y certificat­ion for Le Pont Residences.
CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTO Pearl Mars (4th from left), Excellence in Design for Greater Efficienci­es (EDGE) employee assistance program Communicat­ions and Marketing Coordinato­r and Building Resilience Index Global Team specialist, joins the RLC Residences team during the awarding of the EDGE Advanced preliminar­y certificat­ion for Le Pont Residences.

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