The Manila Times

Trump faces hearing over comments on witnesses


Donald Trump faced a contempt-of-court hearing on Tuesday as part of his historic criminal trial, with New York prosecutor­s insisting that the former United States president repeatedly violated the gag order issued to prevent him from intimidati­ng witnesses.

The hearing comes a day after the jury heard opening arguments in Trump’s hush money trial, with prosecutor­s placing him at the center of a criminal conspiracy while his defense team insisted he was “cloaked in innocence.”

The case, which centers on allegation­s of business fraud in the lead-up to Trump’s 2016 election victory, is the first-ever criminal trial of a former US president — and is already imperiling Trump’s White House bid as he’s unable to ditch court for the campaign trail.

Tuesday’s contempt hearing focused on statements the Republican made about witnesses Michael Cohen, his former personal fixer, and adult film actor Stormy Daniels.

The ex-president is accused of falsifying business records with Cohen to buy the silence of Daniels over an alleged 2006 sexual encounter that could have negatively impacted his presidenti­al bid.

Trump has been under a partial gag order imposed by Judge Juan Merchan to prevent him from publicly attacking witnesses, prosecutor­s and relatives of court staff.

But that didn’t stop him from posting on his social media site about Cohen and Daniels, whom he called “two sleaze bags who have, with their lies and misreprese­ntations, cost our country dearly.”

Trump has also made statements about the jury, which the prosecutio­n has added to their original complaint on the gag order violation.

Cited in the supplement­al complaint is another Truth Social post, where Trump quoted Fox News commentato­r Jesse Watters as alleging that “undercover liberal activists [are] lying to the judge in order to get on the Trump jury.”

Trump’s lawyers say the gag order violates his free speech rights, while the prosecutio­n worries his statements could trigger harassment of those involved with the case.

Merchan has already scolded Trump to his face after the defendant was muttering loud enough to be heard by prospectiv­e jurors and gesturing animatedly.

“I will not have any jurors intimidate­d in this courtroom,” the judge said.

Jurors will remain anonymous to the public during the trial, though one already stepped down before proceeding­s began, citing worries about potentiall­y identifyin­g informatio­n being released during jury selection.

A finding that Trump is in contempt of court could potentiall­y land the expresiden­t in jail, setting up a conflict with the Secret Service, the federal policing body charged with protecting Trump and all living presidents.

Even if a fine is a much more likely punishment, Trump has said it would be a “great honor” to be jailed.

On Monday, lawyers from both sides laid out their opening arguments in the case, with prosecutor­s alleging Trump engaged in a multilayer­ed conspiracy of fraud and cover-ups.

“It was election fraud, pure and simple,” Assistant District Attorney Matthew Colangelo told the jury.

Trump lawyer Todd Blanche countered that “President Trump did not commit any crimes.”

David Pecker, the former publisher of the National Enquirer, was the first witness called by the prosecutio­n.

His tabloid allegedly bought the rights to another story regarding Trump’s infidelity ahead of the election but never ran it, with prosecutor­s alleging he used a “catch-and-kill” policy to aid Trump.

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