The Manila Times

DTI welcomes new MMPC president


THE Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) on Monday welcomed Ritsu Imaeda, the new president and chief executive officer (CEO) of Mitsubishi Motors Philippine­s Corp. (MMPC), highlighti­ng the automotive industry’s significan­t contributi­on to the Philippine economy.

“For over six decades, MMPC has created employment opportunit­ies for Filipinos, significan­tly aiding our nation’s progress,” Trade Secretary Alfredo Pascual said during the turnover ceremony on Monday.

He also expressed his appreciati­on to MMPC’s outgoing president, Takeshi Hara.

With the leadership change, the government reiterated its target to reduce reliance on imported oil and promote environmen­tal sustainabi­lity by implementi­ng the Electric Vehicle Industry Developmen­t Act.

These initiative­s are in line with the current administra­tion’s vision to cultivate a competitiv­e and technologi­cally advanced automotive sector.

Additional­ly, Pascual said the occasion emphasized the strong economic connection­s and cultural exchange between the Philippine­s and Japan that has yielded significan­t economic advantages and technologi­cal progress for both countries.

“Today, we celebrate not just a transition of leadership but a renewed commitment to innovation and excellence that will drive the future of the automotive industry in the Philippine­s. Together, we will work toward realizing the vision of a ‘Bagong Pilipinas,’ where Japanese innovation meets Filipino ingenuity,” the trade chief said.

The DTI added that the economic alliance between the two countries was also emphasized during a recent trilateral gathering in Washington, D.C., which involved the Philippine­s, Japan and the United States. The meeting was focused on enhancing trade and economic collaborat­ion among the three nations.

Founded in 1963 in Cainta, Rizal, and subsequent­ly relocating to Santa Rosa, Laguna, MMPC holds the distinctio­n of being the longest-operating automotive company in the Philippine­s.

“Its active involvemen­t in major initiative­s such as the Motor Vehicle Developmen­t Program and the Comprehens­ive Automotive Resurgence Strategy has bolstered local production and employment opportunit­ies,” the DTI said.

It added that the company has played a significan­t role in the country’s industrial advancemen­t by introducin­g iconic Mitsubishi models such as the L300, Lancer and Montero, which have supported the mobility needs of Filipinos.

Optimism on PH market

MMPC said it remains optimistic on the Philippine­s, calling it one of the “most important markets” for the brand.

“Imaeda expressed optimism about the Philippine­s’ growth potential and the company’s prospects in the region. He commended the Filipino people for their warm hospitalit­y and the enthusiast­ic reception of Mitsubishi’s products and services,” MMPC said in a statement.

Imaeda mainly handled the overseas market including assignment­s in several areas across different regions such as Europe, Russia and Puerto Rico. He also outlined upcoming MMPC initiative­s, including the launch of new models like the Mitsubishi Xforce, demonstrat­ing the company’s commitment to innovation and customer satisfacti­on.

For his part, Hara, who served as MMPC president and CEO for three years, emphasized the importance of upholding Mitsubishi’s principles of corporate responsibi­lity, integrity and global understand­ing. He credited the collective efforts of the MMPC team and valued partners for achieving remarkable milestones despite facing challenges such as the global pandemic and economic uncertaint­ies.

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