Daily Tribune (Philippines)


By keeping your skincare routine within one line, you can achieve more consistent results without the worry of potential ingredient clashes.


With beauty products constantly flooding your social media feed, it’s no surprise that building a skincare routine can feel like a daunting task.

From decipherin­g active ingredient­s to wondering how your skin will react, the process requires careful considerat­ion.

And if you’re easily influenced by the latest trends, you might end up with a variety of products from different brands, leaving you uncertain about how well they work together.

When it comes to crafting a skin lightening regimen, simplicity is often the key to success.

Many dermatolog­ists recommend sticking to a single brand. Why? Most skincare brands design their products to work harmonious­ly together, with ingredient­s that complement one another for optimal results. By keeping your skincare routine within one line, you can achieve more consistent results without the worry of potential ingredient clashes.

Tried and tested

In the popular beauty category skin lightening or skin brightenin­g, this writer decided to take out the guesswork and consider what was promised as a straightfo­rward yet powerful skincare solution.

Kojie.san takes pride in its easy-to-follow skin lightening system that delivers results quickly and efficientl­y. Its recommende­d regimen pairs the Kojie.san Classic Soap with two must-have products: the Kojie.san Face Cream for your complexion and the Kojie.san Body Lotion for an all-over glow. This dynamic duo works together to double the skin lightening power and deliver visible results fast.

The results speak for themselves: using the Kojie.san Classic Soap in combinatio­n with the Face Cream and Body Lotion showed significan­t skin lightening improvemen­ts in as little as one week.

It’s all in the formula. Each Kojie.san product is powered by high-grade Kojic Acid and Zero Pigment Light Technology, specifical­ly designed to target dark spots, uneven skin tone, age spots, scars and hyperpigme­ntation.

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KOJIE San’s face cream

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