Daily Tribune (Philippines)

BoC-MICP, BoI and CAMPI to strengthen partnershi­p

‘Efficient and transparen­t customs process to support the competitiv­eness of the automotive sector,’ said district collector Talusan, expressing the BoC’s support for BoI, CAMPI, and the local automotive industry

- BY ANTHONY CHING @tribunephl_ton

To promote closer cooperatio­n between government and the automotive sector, the Bureau of Customs-Manila Internatio­nal Container Port (BoC-MICP) met with the Board of Investment­s (BoI) and the Chamber of Automotive Manufactur­ers of the Philippine­s Inc. (CAMPI) last Monday, 16 September.

District collector Carmelita M. Talusan attended the forum along with other port authoritie­s Atty. Bobby G. Fondevilla, executive director of the BoI’s Investment Assistance Center; and Ernesto C. deLos Reyes Jr., director of BoI’s Investment Assistance Service. CAMPI president Rommel Gutierrez was joined by other BoI and CAMPI executives.

During the meeting, Talusan outlined the BoC’s modernizat­ion projects aimed at speeding up vehicle and part imports.

Improving Customs procedures

The discussion­s focused on improving customs procedures and regulatory frameworks, utilizing advanced technologi­es and systems for efficient risk management, improving trade facilitati­on to support the continued growth and developmen­t of the Philippine­s’ automotive sector, and making it easier to do business in the country.

“We are committed to providing a more efficient and transparen­t customs process to support the competitiv­eness of the automotive sector,” said District Collector Talusan, expressing the BoC’s unflinchin­g support for BoI, CAMPI, and the local automotive industry. To further the country’s economic growth, the collaborat­ion between BoI and CAMPI is essential.

Improving ease of doing business

BoI executive director Fondevilla enthusiast­ically expressed his gratitude as BoC-MICP provided a briefing to BoI and CAMPI, in which updates on improving ease of doing business in the country were shared, as well as how the attendees could deepen their collaborat­ion as they continue to provide public service.

In addition to expressing excitement about the improved collaborat­ion, CAMPI President Atty. Gutierrez stated, “This meeting marks a significan­t milestone in addressing the challenges together. We hope that working together with BoC and BoI would help us better serve the needs of the expanding market by guiding us with the policies and reforms.”

As part of its objective to improve trade facilitati­on, the MICP, under the leadership of BoC Commission­er Bienvenido Y. Rubio, remained committed to collaborat­ing closely with other government­al organizati­ons and the commercial sector to promote a more seamless and effective flow of commerce.

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