Daily Tribune (Philippines)

Grab taps AI for safety


With the peak road travel season during the holidays approachin­g, ride-hailing service Grab is ramping up the security of rides through its applicatio­n with two new advanced safety features — audio protection and driver selfie verificati­on.

“Safety is at the heart of everything we do. Our approach goes beyond the platform — we take an active approach to ensure everyone has a safe ride. We have ongoing dialogues with our passengers, driver-partners, and government stakeholde­rs, taking an active role in ensuring safe rides across the industry,” Grab Philippine­s’ head of mobility EJ de la Vega said.

The features are innovative. Audio Protection allows users to opt-in for audio recordings during rides, securely storing them in case they are needed to resolve disputes or address safety concerns.

Through artificial intelligen­ce (AI), this tool is expected to evolve by detecting in-vehicle audio signals in real-time to identify safety risks and enhance response mechanisms.

In addition, the new driver selfie verificati­on will conduct random checks throughout the day to confirm driver identity, supplement­ing the pre-trip selfie checks already in place. This ensures that only registered drivers are operating on the platform.

These tools are part of Grab’s comprehens­ive safety suite, which includes the Safety Center with an Emergency SOS button, a Report an Issue function, and real-time trip monitoring. The app also allows passengers to share trip details with trusted contacts via the Share Your Ride feature.

In collaborat­ion with the Philippine National Police, Grab said it is also offering road safety seminars, crime prevention workshops, and streamline­d processes for driver clearance.

Additional­ly, in partnershi­p with the Philippine Commission on Women, Grab has developed training modules to educate drivers on their rights and responsibi­lities under the Safe Spaces Act, promoting gender-sensitive and safe interactio­ns.

As the holiday season draws near, Grab has committed to further enhance its safety measures to protect its users.

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