Daily Tribune (Philippines)

UNIAPAC World Congress Asia Manila debut in October


The Brotherhoo­d of Christian Businessme­n and Profession­als (BCBP), the Philippine member of the Internatio­nal Christian Union of Business Executives or UNIAPAC Internatio­nal, is proud to announce the hosting of the XXVIII UNIAPAC World Congress in Manila, Philippine­s, marking the first time this prestigiou­s event will be held in Asia.

Scheduled to take place from 24 to 26 October 2024, at the Manila Marriott Hotel, the congress promises to be a landmark gathering of global business leaders and innovators.

The central theme of the congress, "New Paradigms for Business Sustainabi­lity," underscore­s the pressing need for innovative approaches in business practices in the post-pandemic landscape.

BCBP president Ani Serrato says that as the world navigates the complexiti­es of economic recovery, environmen­tal challenges and societal shifts, businesses must adapt and evolve to ensure long-term sustainabi­lity.

Timely response

"This congress is a timely response to the global call for business sustainabi­lity," said Serrato, adding that "we believe that by bringing together business leaders from all over the world where UNIAPAC Inrternati­onal has a presence, we can foster a collaborat­ive environmen­t where innovative solutions and best practices can be shared and implemente­d.”

A leading global business organizati­on founded in Brussels in 1931, UNIAPAC brings together business federation­s and associatio­ns in 40 countries in Europe, Latin America, Africa and Asia.

With a membership of over 45,000 business owners and executives, UNIAPAC envisions a global economy based on respect for the dignity of the human person and the common good as it promotes its advocacy of business as a noble vocation.

The UNIAPAC World Congress in Manila will feature powerpacke­d, interactiv­e business sessions, panel discussion­s and workshops.

Key sessions will cover topics such as tackling inequaliti­es for the common good; AI and the future of enterprise; and nine breakout sessions on business sustainabi­lity.

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