Daily Tribune (Philippines)

Kanlaon Volcano grumbles


Residents within the four-kilometer permanent danger zone of Kanlaon Volcano have been evacuated following increased seismic activity reported by the state seismology bureau on Tuesday.

Canlaon City Mayor Jose Chubasco Cardenas signed the executive order, saying that evacuees will be provided with food, water, medicines and other necessitie­s at evacuation centers.

The Philippine Institute of Volcanolog­y and Seismology (Phivolcs) said 288 volcano tectonic (VT) earthquake­s have been recorded since midnight Tuesday.

“VT earthquake­s are generated by rock fracturing processes, and the increase in VT activity strongly indicates progressiv­e rock fracturing beneath the volcano as rising magma drives a path towards the surface,” Phivolcs said.

The seismic events were generated up to nine kilometers beneath the northeaste­rn flanks of the volcanic edifice.

Meanwhile, the strongest events were felt at Intensity II in some barangays of Canlaon City in Negros Oriental. Kanlaon Volcano straddles the provinces of Negros Oriental and Negros Occidental.

Some residents of Bago City reported rumbling sounds and strong sulfur fumes in a few barangays in their city, La Carlota and Canlaon.

Alert Level 2 remains up due to the increased volcanic unrest.

Phivolcs, however, noted that the current seismic activity may lead to eruptive unrest and an increase in the alert level.

The public has been advised to stay alert and prepared. To avoid potential hazards like pyroclasti­c density currents, ballistic projectile­s and rockfall, entry into the four-kilometer permanent danger zone is strongly discourage­d. Additional­ly, aircraft should avoid flying near the volcano’s summit.

Likewise, people should cover their nose and mouth with a damp cloth or dust mask in the event of ash fall.

“Communitie­s beside river systems on the southern and western slopes, especially those that have already experience­d lahar and muddy stream flows, are advised to take precaution­ary measures when heavy rainfall over the volcano is forecast or has begun,” Phivolcs said.

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