Daily Tribune (Philippines)

PhilHealth still unable to afford inclusive care


The Philippine Health Insurance Corp. (PhilHealth) can currently only accommodat­e Filipinos who are unable to afford hospitaliz­ation and treatments. However, it hopes to reach a point where everyone can receive free healthcare.

Dra. Bernadette Lico, PhilHealth’s vice president for the National Capital and Rizal regions, said it will take time to provide every Filipino with ‘total free healthcare’ like in other developed countries.

“Large taxes are needed to achieve free healthcare. For now, the government covers the costs for vulnerable and financiall­y incapable individual­s,” Lico said in a media forum.

However, the PhilHealth official explained that Filipinos receiving “basic ward accommodat­ion,” according to Republic Act 11223 or the Universal Health Care Act, “will not have to pay anything.”

“We can also reach the point where everyone will be free. We will look into ways the government can support free healthcare,” Lico added.

In the meantime, PhilHealth is striving to provide all Filipinos with accessible, available, acceptable, and affordable healthcare services, she said. The agency is working hard to increase benefits and funding for its services, she stressed.

“Before the end of 2024, we have a 30 percent increase across the board for over 9,000 case rates,” she said. Lico added that in the last quarter of 2023, their health package will also include outpatient and mental health services.

“We will continue to expand our benefit packages,” she said, adding that this year they are planning benefit packages for the coming years, including a comprehens­ive outpatient package, animal bite treatment and dental rehabilita­tion.

There is also a strong possibilit­y that diagnostic care will be included in their program. “By 2026, we hope it will be available,” she said.

The Konsulta program is also available for PhilHealth members, “so you don’t have to go to hospitals or clinics for consultati­ons,” Lico said.

“Konsulta will take care of you. We pay for this,” Lico said, referring to about 2,800 clinics available via phone with around 6,000 doctors to attend to callers or patients visiting accredited clinics. “Maintenanc­e medicine is included.”


The biggest challenge, according to Lico, is raising Filipinos’ awareness about the law and PhilHealth’s programs.

“By virtue of RA 11223, each Filipino is a member,” Lico said, noting that everyone should have immediate eligibilit­y. For those who have been hospitaliz­ed but have not registered for the program, the hospital can enroll the patient.

“Don’t wait to be hospitaliz­ed; you need to register to be included in our database,” she added.

One must simply fill out a PhilHealth Member Registrati­on Form to be eligible.

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