Daily Tribune (Philippines)

Limited-edition packs featuring Marvel characters


Coca-Cola Philippine­s has launched a new collaborat­ion with Marvel, called Coca-Cola x Marvel: The Heroes. This project offers immersive storytelli­ng and a digital experience featuring popular Marvel characters.

Coca-Cola and Disney have been working together for over 60 years, including in the Marvel Universe.

In their latest limited-time campaign, Coca-Cola and Marvel have teamed up to bring Marvel to life with a new TV commercial and exclusive Coca-Cola packs featuring character illustrati­ons, digital collectibl­es, and an AR experience on Coca-Cola’s website

This heroic collaborat­ion is supported by a global 360 campaign, including new creative content across TV, cinema, video-sharing platforms, as well as digital and out-of-home advertisin­g.

The collaborat­ion kicked off with a new digital film, telling the story of the latest chapter in the long history of these iconic brands. In the spot, a woman accidental­ly puts an entire comic book world in danger. Then the real magic of Coca-Cola unites the Marvel Universe to save the day and provide an uplifting moment for the protagonis­t.

The new exclusive cans feature Marvel heroes and villains in white, red, and black tones that highlight the characters. Each can is scannable and uses AR to bring the character to life in a unique way.

The Marvel heroes and villains featured in six designs across these limited-edition products are Deadpool, Elektra, Wolverine, Captain America, Iron Man and Scarlet Witch. The six designs of the limited-edition cans that come in original taste and zero sugar variants.

 ?? ?? THE collaborat­ion kicked off with a digital film featuring the exclusive cans and Marvel heroes.
THE collaborat­ion kicked off with a digital film featuring the exclusive cans and Marvel heroes.

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