Daily Tribune (Philippines)

Industries urged to work with UP DMMME on materials developmen­t

‘We are working with several industries. We set up this materials R&D and consulting facility which can serve as a one-stop service provider for industries; we also customize training based on the needs of the industry.’


A department at the University of the Philippine­s (UP), which is developing bioplastic­s intended for food packaging, is urging industry players to avail of its materials research and developmen­t (R&D) and consulting facility that caters to the needs of businesses.

Professor Mitch Irene Kate Galvan Oyales of the UP Department of Mining, Metallurgi­cal and Materials Engineerin­g (DMMME) said they started working with the use of biopolymer­s coming from natural resources such as those coming from aquatic plants.

“We study in our laboratory how to make these resources water resistant; since (it is coming from) natural resources, it is expected that it cannot harm the environmen­t but that portion is still under study,” she said during the recent Philippine Exporters Confederat­ion Inc. (PHILEXPORT).

Research thrust

Oyales said part of the department’s research thrust is focusing on ecomateria­ls, materials for energy, responsibl­e extraction technologi­es, biomateria­ls, and enabling technologi­es.

She said that under ecomateria­ls, the department is trying to recover useful materials that can be fed for production of new products which is part of waste valorizati­on.

“So from waste tires, we can extract carbon that can also be used for the recycled rubber for various applicatio­ns,” Oyales said.

Vast research

“Other than ecomateria­ls, we have vast research on developing materials and technologi­es with positive environmen­tal impact throughout the whole life cycle,” she said, adding that the department is also developing bioplastic­s which are biodegrada­ble.

Oyales called on micro, small and medium enterprise­s (MSMEs) to work with the department on material developmen­t.

“We are also working with several industries. We set this materials R&D and consulting facility which can serve as a one-stop service provider for industries; students from other universiti­es and schools can access technical services like testing of the materials and even consultanc­y if they are developing a process on their product. And we also customize training based on the needs of the industry,” she said.

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