Daily Tribune (Philippines)


Kultura is a success story that reflects a commitment to the mission and vision of cultural preservati­on and promotion.

- BY LUIS ESPIRITU www.kulturafil­ipino.com.

Who would have thought that a small space nurtured within the walls of Shoemart would grow to over 48 stores nationwide and counting in 2024?

Last 11 July at the Central Atrium, Mall of Asia, the event “20 Years Of Kultura” took place. The venue’s breathtaki­ngly beautiful setting at the center was designed by internatio­nal stylist, artist and renaissanc­e woman Kitty Bunag. Hosted by Rafa Siguion-Reyna, the occasion opened with a super cool modern Pinoy dance number by Upeepz, followed by a heartwarmi­ng and touching video and speech from Kultura president Ivy Yap. Distinguis­hed patrons, esteemed vendors, partner organizati­ons, foundation­s and employees were all acknowledg­ed as instrument­al to Kultura’s success.

One of the highlights of the milestone event was a grand reveal: the return of awardwinni­ng actress and entreprene­ur Marian Rivera as Kultura’s brand ambassador! After the revelation, Marian toured the refreshed Mall of Asia flagship store to meet the artisans behind some of the most-loved products. As brand ambassador, she will introduce the newest collection­s of South Sea, freshwater and baroque pearls throughout the year.

Kultura is a success story that reflects a commitment to the mission and vision of cultural preservati­on and promotion. It is a testament of gratitude that encapsulat­es each and every contributo­ry part of the story. More importantl­y, it is a lifeline advocacy that honors heritage and empowers communitie­s, its people and the nation — our Motherland.

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 ?? ?? HOST Rafa Siguion-Reyna.
TRADITION made new.
HOST Rafa Siguion-Reyna. TRADITION made new.
 ?? ?? FORMER DTI Secretary Ramon Lopez, Tessie Sy-Coson, Kultura president Ivy Yap, Irene Marcos-Araneta and Jorge Mendiola.
FORMER DTI Secretary Ramon Lopez, Tessie Sy-Coson, Kultura president Ivy Yap, Irene Marcos-Araneta and Jorge Mendiola.
 ?? ?? KULTURA merchandis­e manager Patricia Yap, Tessie Sy-Coson, Kultura brand ambassador Marian Rivera and Kultura president Ivy Yap.
KULTURA merchandis­e manager Patricia Yap, Tessie Sy-Coson, Kultura brand ambassador Marian Rivera and Kultura president Ivy Yap.
 ?? ?? TESSIE Sy-Coson, Kultura president Ivy Yap, Irene Marcos-Araneta with Kultura suppliers and vendors.
TESSIE Sy-Coson, Kultura president Ivy Yap, Irene Marcos-Araneta with Kultura suppliers and vendors.
 ?? ?? KITTY Bunag, Sheila Tan, Ivy Yap, Audrey Martinez and Fatima Uy.
KITTY Bunag, Sheila Tan, Ivy Yap, Audrey Martinez and Fatima Uy.
 ?? ?? MARIAN Rivera all smiles with her pearly whites.
MARIAN Rivera all smiles with her pearly whites.
 ?? ?? THE beauty of craft that matters.
THE beauty of craft that matters.
 ?? ?? FANNING the love for culture.
FANNING the love for culture.
 ?? ?? UPEEPZ.

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