Daily Tribune (Philippines)

MASHAV Israel funds rural livelihood projects

‘Through this project, we are contributi­ng to poverty alleviatio­n and the Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goals’


The Embassy of Israel in the Philippine­s, through MASHAV, has awarded a financial Developmen­t Grant to alumna Nelsie Uy for her chosen project, the Self-Help Group (SHeG) Community Enterprise in the Diocese of Libmanan and the Apostolic Vicariate of Calapan.

“I congratula­te Ms. Nelsie Uy through the help of our partner — Caritas Philippine­s. I admire her commitment and support to improving the lives of rural women by opening job opportunit­ies and income generation initiative­s for the women in marginaliz­ed communitie­s,” Ambassador Ilan Fluss commended Uy.

“Through this project, we are contributi­ng to poverty alleviatio­n and the Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goals,” Fluss added.

Uy is a MASHAV Alumna and former head of Caritas Philippine­s Academy who participat­ed in the program on Combating Genderbase­d Violence: Effective Interventi­ons and the Survivor-Centered Approach in August 2022 at The Golda Meir Mount Carmel Internatio­nal Training Center in Haifa, Israel. Her project is patterned after the Self-Help Group approach of Caritas Philippine­s.

This micro-financial grant from MASHAV aims to support ongoing developmen­t projects selected by MASHAV alumni. It complement­s MASHAV’s capacitybu­ilding efforts and supports grassroots developmen­t initiative­s.

Uy’s strategic focus areas include enhancing the techniques for producing Cranberry wine and juice in Libmanan, Camarines Sur, creating calamansi-gingerlemo­ngrass concentrat­e, and supporting the handicraft weaving of Mangyan indigenous women in Victoria, Oriental Mindoro.

This project not only aims to boost economic empowermen­t among the women involved but also to preserve and promote local traditions and knowledge.

“I am deeply grateful to the Embassy of Israel and MASHAV for their unwavering commitment to promoting gender equality and combating gender-based violence in the Philippine­s, even amid the challengin­g circumstan­ces they face in their own country. Their dedication to the well-being of the Filipino people remains steadfast. May peace and grace be upon you.

God bless Israel,” Uy stated.

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