Daily Tribune (Philippines)

High-ranking North Korean diplomat defects

Ri Il Kyu had been responsibl­e for political affairs at Pyongyang’s embassy in Cuba since 2019


SEOUL, South Korea (AFP) — A high-ranking North Korean diplomat stationed in Cuba defected to South Korea last November — just months before Seoul and Havana establishe­d diplomatic ties, South Korea’s spy agency said Tuesday.

North Korean diplomat Ri Il Kyu had been responsibl­e for political affairs at Pyongyang’s embassy in Cuba since 2019, tasked specifical­ly “with obstructin­g the establishm­ent of diplomatic relations between South Korea and Cuba,” according to South Korea’s Chosun


Ri defected to South Korea with his wife and children in early November, making him the highest-ranking North Korean diplomat known to have defected since Thae Yong Ho, Pyongyang’s deputy ambassador to Britain, in 2016, the report said.

South Korea’s spy agency told Agence France-Presse Tuesday that it was “true” there had been a “defection of the counselor of political affairs from the North Korean embassy in Cuba,” without giving further details.

Seoul’s unificatio­n ministry has previously flagged a rising number of defections by North Korean elites, which they said made up around 10 of the 196 defections in 2023, the highest in years.

Around three months after Ri’s reported defection, Seoul and Havana — which is one of Pyongyang’s oldest allies, and a fellow communist state — announced they were establishi­ng diplomatic ties.

In an exclusive interview with South Korea’s Chosun Daily, Ri said he decided to defect after Pyongyang rejected his request to seek medical treatment in Mexico after an injury, even though he could not receive the necessary treatment in Cuba due to a lack of specialist equipment.

He also claimed to have received unfair performanc­e reviews after rejecting a demand from a senior foreign ministry official in the North for bribes when he visited Pyongyang in August 2019 to discuss opening a North Korean restaurant in Cuba.

“Every North Korean thinks at least once about living in South Korea,” he told the Chosun Daily.

“Disillusio­nment with the North Korean regime and a bleak future led me to consider defection.”

Ri also told the newspaper that North Korea’s former foreign minister Ri Yong Ho and his family had been sent to a political prisoner camp in December 2019 on “suspicion of corruption,” over a bribery case involving the country’s embassy in Beijing.

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