Daily Tribune (Philippines)

Manila health workers receive timely aid


The local government of Manila has spearheade­d the distributi­on of Assistance to Individual­s in Crisis (AICS) to at least 1,000 beneficiar­ies on Tuesday who were regarded as frontliner­s during the onset of the coronaviru­s disease 2019 pandemic.

Manila Mayor Honey Lacuna was joined by Vice Mayor Yul Servo and Brian Poe Llamanzare­s, son and chief of staff of Senator Grace Poe at the San Andres Sports Complex. Also present were Manila social welfare chief Re Fugoso, representa­tives from Senator Poe’s office, and the Department of Social Welfare and Developmen­t (DSWD).

Lacuna expressed gratitude to the lawmaker for her support and for including Manila in her programs.

“The people of Manila are very fortunate to have many helping hands who understand the needs of each resident,” Lacuna said in Filipino. “We are all instrument­s working together.”

Lacuna added that the recipients — including solo parents from Tondo’s first district — were chosen based on need. She commended the dedication of barangay health workers during the pandemic and the strength of solo parents raising children alone.

“Any assistance is a big help, and we must express our deepest gratitude to those who support us,” Lacuna said. “On behalf of the 1,000 beneficiar­ies today, I want to express Manila’s and every resident’s heartfelt gratitude to our kind senator.”

Llamanzare­s also expressed gratitude to Lacuna and Servo as he acknowledg­ed their role in facilitati­ng the aid distributi­on. He said the senator’s office couldn’t have reached these deserving recipients without their help.

As chairman of “FPJ Panday Bayanihan,” Llamanzare­s said he continues the legacy of his grandfathe­r, Fernando Poe Jr., who was known for his philanthro­py.

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