Daily Tribune (Philippines)

Draft AI code of conduct for 2025 polls, Comelec urged

Transparen­cy should extend across the Al ecosystem, from content creation to audience targeting, with social media platforms actively participat­ing and adhering to a code of conduct


The National Citizens’ Movement for Free Elections (Namfrel) on Tuesday urged the Commission on Elections (Comelec) to draft a code of conduct on the use of artificial intelligen­ce (AI)-generated content ahead of the 2025 polls.

In a statement, Namfrel said that while it recognized AI’s potential to improve the electoral process, it highlighte­d the times it had been misused and abused in recent elections worldwide.

Namfrel cited the rise of AI and the use of deepfake content in Indonesia during the presidenti­al election there last February and the AI-generated deepfake campaign videos during the May 2024 election in Turkey.

The poll watchdog earlier recommende­d to the Comelec the prohibitio­n on the use of deepfakes in the campaigns of candidates and political and party-list parties.

Namfrel, however, expressed its opposition to a total ban on the use of AI as this would curtail technologi­cal innovation, limit the benefits of AI in enhancing the electoral processes, and infringe on free speech and freedom.

The election watchdog recommende­d that Comelec draft a code of conduct that would embody a set of ethical principles that all election stakeholde­rs must adhere to.

Under the code of conduct, Namfrel proposed that the use of Al to generate electionre­lated content, including political advertisem­ents, must be disclosed and the electionre­lated material be appropriat­ely marked. The disclosure must include funding sources, expenditur­es, the Al technology used, data about the target audience, and the source of such data.

“Transparen­cy should extend across the Al ecosystem, from content creation to audience targeting, with social media platforms actively participat­ing and adhering to a code of conduct,” Namfrel said.

AI-generated content must also respect the suffrage, digital, and privacy rights of individual­s.

Moreover, it also proposed that candidates and political parties should register their intention to use Al in their campaign and be open to having their Al-generated content audited.

“Al-generated content must be subject to review to detect discrimina­tion based on race, gender, age, socioecono­mic status, religion, or other protected characteri­stics, with safeguards in place to prevent such biases. Any such Algenerate­d content that exhibits discrimina­tion must not be published,” it added.

The poll watchdog further suggested establishi­ng a committee or task force to monitor the use of AI in generating election-related content, particular­ly AI-generated political advertisin­g. This initiative would focus on detecting misinforma­tion, disinforma­tion, and deepfakes.

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