Daily Tribune (Philippines)

Magic awaits


Thirteen hours point zero — 13.0. The travel time from Manila to San Francisco meant I could catch up on sleep — precious rest I had chosen to forgo because, as usual, I had left packing for the last minute.

Then, from San Francisco, where I had to clear immigratio­n, I was to recheck-in my baggage and proceed to the gate where my connecting flight to Orlando, Florida would take another five and a half hours before I could spend a night catching up on more sleep.

I had hoped. Of course, it is the in-betweens that we never quite visualize as we make our plans.

First, in Manila, the long lines, the snaking lines, had some passengers begging to jump through immigratio­n and make their flights for somewhere. I, however, was not worried. In fact, I was in a swell mood.

Earlier at the check-in counter, I was directed to the longer queue and found out, too late, that I could have been done sooner had I asked what “Premium Select” on the ticket meant. Oh, well.

Yet for my patience, I was rewarded at the counter with an upgrade to business class. And an invitation to the Silver Kris lounge in comfortabl­e surroundin­gs while waiting for my flight!

I had to muster up more patience, however — loaded up from the depths of my being — as I inched through the immigratio­n line.

Left with just a half hour to enjoy the lounge, I still enjoyed a delicious fill of savories for breakfast, then on to the gate I went.

The sight of my cubicle, with pillows and blankets, had me eager to settle in for those much-needed Zzzs. But who could sleep in the excitement of the moment?

The dinner service and two movies later, I did get a few winks, though not the soul-deep, satisfying sleep I had imagined.

The adventure begins? As I write this, our plane has been circling for half an hour because the weather in

Orlando meant we could not yet land.

The captain announced we would be delayed for another hour, and made a detour to Pensacola to refuel. We were told we could stretch our legs. I raised my drowsy head. Well, I thought, I had never been to Pansacola.

The clouds looked icy white from the airplane window. But the day was bright, and I felt the heat on my hand as sunlight touched it. I may as well recharge my patience once more.

So this is Day Zero of my Disney Cruise Lines adventure. I wonder what other surprises, good and better, await.

“The sight of my cubicle, with pillows and blankets, had me eager to settle in for those muchneeded Zzzs.


Manila, the long lines, the snaking lines, had some passengers begging to jump through immigratio­n and make their flights for somewhere.

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