Daily Tribune (Philippines)

Poll body chair bank account ‘non-existent’


Commission on Elections (Comelec) chairperso­n George Erwin Garcia on Monday maintained his innocence regarding allegation­s of bribery linked to a supposed network of offshore bank accounts.

Garcia’s denial comes after the Land Bank of the Philippine­s confirmed a specific account number linked to him in a “white paper” circulatin­g online does not exist. The white paper details alleged illicit transactio­ns involving Garcia.

“Land Bank of the Philippine­s Intramuros Branch confirms the nonexisten­ce of a personal savings account under the name GEORGE ERWIN MOJICA GARCIA with account number 7740011026­173,” the LandBank said in a statement.

Garcia previously requested the National Bureau of Investigat­ion (NBI) and the Anti-Money Laundering Council (AMLC) to investigat­e the claims as he also offered new waivers to allow authoritie­s to examine his finances.

The allegation­s stem from a complaint filed by Representa­tive Rodante Marcoleta, who questioned the awarding of an P18-billion automated election system contract to a firm partly owned by South Korean company Miru.

Marcoleta alleged the contract coincided with deposits made to offshore accounts supposedly linked to Garcia.

Garcia has denied any connection to offshore accounts or foreign properties.

‘The documents have the same font style. This suggests they come from a single source.’

He has also expressed his intention to pursue criminal charges against those behind the “white paper,” claiming the document is fabricated due to its uniform formatting and lack of bank logos.

“The documents have the same font style. This suggests they come from a single source,” Garcia said. “If they were from different banks, there would be variations. There should even be bank logos present.”

The Comelec chief has vowed to hold those responsibl­e accountabl­e if the allegation­s are proven false.

The controvers­y surroundin­g Garcia highlights the importance of transparen­cy and accountabi­lity in the upcoming Philippine elections.

 ?? PHOTOGRAPH BY KING RODRIGUEZ FOR THE DAILY TRIBUNE ?? WORKERS from the Manila City Engineerin­g Office restore and clean the bust of Dr. Maria Paz Mendoza-Guazon — regarded as a woman of many firsts in the city after it was vandalized over the years at the center island area in Pandacan, Manila.
PHOTOGRAPH BY KING RODRIGUEZ FOR THE DAILY TRIBUNE WORKERS from the Manila City Engineerin­g Office restore and clean the bust of Dr. Maria Paz Mendoza-Guazon — regarded as a woman of many firsts in the city after it was vandalized over the years at the center island area in Pandacan, Manila.

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