Daily Tribune (Philippines)

Sandigan denies ex-lawmaker's appeal in pork barrel scam case


The Sandiganba­yan Fourth Division has denied the appeal of former

Lanao del Sur Rep. Faysah Dumarpa seeking the dismissal of her graft cases concerning the infamous pork barrel scam.

Dumarpa petitioned the anti-graft court to dismiss the charges filed against her by the Ombudsman, citing violations of her constituti­onal rights to due process and speedy dispositio­n of cases. She argued that it took 15 years to establish probable cause before indicting her in 2020.

She contended that the prolonged time spent on the preliminar­y investigat­ion was “vexatious, capricious and oppressive” on her part.

But the prosecutio­n did not buy Dumarpa’s ratiocinat­ions. It said the erstwhile lawmaker reckoned the date of the purported delay from the date of the alleged illegal transactio­n in 2008 and not on the date when the complaint was filed before the Sandiganba­yan in 2020.

Furthermor­e, it argued that any delay was attributab­le to Dumarpa for not timely invoking her rights, as she filed the appeal only after being arraigned.

Dumarpa was among the many former House of Representa­tives members implicated in the anomalous pork barrel or Priority Developmen­t Assistance Fund (PDAF) scam, involving funding for non-existent projects.

In denying the appeal, the Sandiganba­yan ruled that the Ombudsman completed the preliminar­y investigat­ion in two years and nine months, exceeding the prescribed period of two years.

“Thus, the prosecutio­n has the burden of proving that there is no violation of the right speedy dispositio­n of the cases,” it said.

Furthermor­e, it emphasized that the case involves PDAF, which “require numerous respondent­s and voluminous records which justify the period it took to resolve the preliminar­y investigat­ion of the cases.”

“In conclusion, the belated assertion of the right taken with the complexity of the cases justify the prolonged period to resolve the preliminar­y investigat­ion of the cases,” the court said.

 ?? PHOTOGRAPH BY KING RODRIGUEZ FOR THE DAILY TRIBUNE ?? LOKI, a community patrol dog under the Intramuros administra­tion, receives care from civic guards overseeing Manila's Intramuros on Monday. The guards affectiona­tely refer to Loki as their community 'paw-trol' dog, as he has been guarding the area for the past two years. They adopted him after finding him lost and without knowledge of his home.
PHOTOGRAPH BY KING RODRIGUEZ FOR THE DAILY TRIBUNE LOKI, a community patrol dog under the Intramuros administra­tion, receives care from civic guards overseeing Manila's Intramuros on Monday. The guards affectiona­tely refer to Loki as their community 'paw-trol' dog, as he has been guarding the area for the past two years. They adopted him after finding him lost and without knowledge of his home.

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