Daily Tribune (Philippines)

Volleyball superstar joins CCC, Bukidnon town tree-planting


The Climate Change Commission (CCC) and the Municipali­ty of

Maramag in Bukidnon conducted a tree planting and growing activity as part of the town’s 68th founding anniversar­y, engaging the youth, local government officials and civil society organizati­ons in climate action and biodiversi­ty conservati­on.

CCC Secretary Robert E.A. Borje and Maramag Mayor Jose Joel Doromal led the event with Philippine volleyball superstar and national team member

Bryan Bagunas also joining in the collective effort to promote a greener environmen­t. Youth volunteers from the Teen Center, representa­tives from the CCC, and Maramag’s local government officials planted a total of 120 seedlings of various tree species, including narra, kayam and teak.

The initiative aims to promote biodiversi­ty conservati­on and address the impacts of climate change, aligning with Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goal (SDG) 13: Climate Action and SDG 15: Life on Land. It also supports the objectives of World Youth Skills Day, which highlights the importance of equipping young people with the skills necessary to contribute to sustainabl­e developmen­t. In a Facebook post, Bagunas thanked the CCC and the mayor for inviting him to the event and letting him experience the power of community and collaborat­ion in achieving a sustainabl­e future for all.

“I am deeply honored and profoundly grateful for the opportunit­y to visit the Province of Maramag, Bukidnon. It is a true privilege to share my life story and journey toward becoming a climate champion. This remarkable occasion provides an extraordin­ary platform to inspire the youth on the importance of caring for our nation and the world,” read Bagunas’ post.

“I am especially humbled and overwhelme­d to learn that a section of the local school has been named in my honor. This recognitio­n touches my heart deeply and reinforces my commitment to our shared environmen­tal goals,” he added.

A total of 120 seedlings of various tree species, including narra, kayam and teak were planted.

 ?? PHOTOGRAPH COURTESY OF BRYAN BAGUNAS ?? ALAS Pilipinas men, Cignal HD Spikers and Winstreak Volleyball player Bryan Bagunas turns climate champion at the tree-planting activity of CCC and Maramag town government.
PHOTOGRAPH COURTESY OF BRYAN BAGUNAS ALAS Pilipinas men, Cignal HD Spikers and Winstreak Volleyball player Bryan Bagunas turns climate champion at the tree-planting activity of CCC and Maramag town government.

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