Daily Tribune (Philippines)

Matnog-Allen bridge project secures P100-M feasibilit­y grant


BORONGAN CITY — The House of Representa­tives is set to allocate P100 million for a comprehens­ive feasibilit­y study on the constructi­on of a bridge linking Matnog, Sorsogon, to Allen, Northern Samar.

House Minority Leader Marcelino Libanan disclosed that he has secured commitment­s from Speaker Martin Romualdez and House Appropriat­ions Chair Zaldy Co to include P100 million in the 2025 budget for the bridge’s feasibilit­y study.

“If proven feasible with current technology, we aim to commence constructi­on during the current administra­tion,” Libanan state.

He emphasized that following the Bataan-Cavite Interlink Bridge and the Panay-Guimaras-Negros Island Bridges, the bridges connecting Matnog-Allen and Liloan, Southern Leyte to Lipata in Surigao should be prioritize­d as part of the mega-bridge projects under the Marcos administra­tion.

Last year, the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) central office commission­ed the Infrastruc­ture Developmen­t Institute of Japan to evaluate proposed long-span bridge projects linking Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao.

‘If proven feasible with current technology, we aim to commence constructi­on during the current administra­tion.’

The pre-feasibilit­y study encompasse­s the Luzon-Samar-Leyte-Mindanao Linkage Project, which aims to improve connectivi­ty between Luzon and other parts of Visayas and Mindanao, while also addressing issues such as stranded travelers during weather disturbanc­es and port congestion during peak seasons.

Earlier, the Regional Developmen­t Council in Eastern Visayas passed a resolution supporting a second feasibilit­y study for the Matnog-Allen bridge.

Meylene Rosales, regional director of the National Economic Developmen­t Authority, noted that a previous DPWH study deemed the project unfeasible due to distance and technologi­cal constraint­s.

“The resolution proposes a new feasibilit­y study using alternativ­e technologi­es,” Rosales stated. She emphasized that bridging Luzon to Mindanao would benefit not only Eastern Visayas but the entire nation.

“Eastern Visayas is crucial to the nation’s connectivi­ty. We sit at a strategic juncture, being the only land passage from Luzon to Mindanao,” she explained.

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