Daily Tribune (Philippines)

U.S. tightens steel, aluminum import rules from Mexico

- Beijing accused the US of ‘protection­ism’

WASHINGTON, United States (AFP) — The US unveiled stricter rules Wednesday on steel and aluminum imports from Mexico, moving to prevent China-origin goods from avoiding tariffs.

The election-season actions by President Joe Biden’s administra­tion mark the latest in efforts to guard against excess industrial capacity in China, which Washington has warned could bring a flood of unfairly priced goods to other markets.

China accused the US of “protection­ism,” denying talk of overcapaci­ty in its steel and aluminum sectors.

Steel arriving via Mexico will qualify for dutyfree benefits only if melted and poured in that country, or in the US or Canada, White House National Economic Advisor Lael Brainard told reporters. Otherwise, they will face tariffs of 25 percent.

Aluminum imports from Mexico that contain primary aluminum smelt or cast in China, Belarus, Iran or Russia will also face a 10 percent tariff.

Mexico will require importers to provide informatio­n about the products’ countries of origin.

“These actions fix a major loophole that the previous administra­tion failed to address, and that countries like China use to avoid US tariffs by shipping their products through Mexico,” Brainard said.

She charged that “Chinese steel and aluminum entering the US market through Mexico evades tariffs, undermines our investment­s and harms American workers in states like Pennsylvan­ia and Ohio.”

As Biden’s reelection bid enters a critical stage, the president has been working to win over voters in swing states including Pennsylvan­ia.

“China and other nations must not be allowed to exploit trade with our neighbors in order to avoid US trade enforcemen­t,” said Scott Paul, president at the Alliance for American Manufactur­ing.

But Liu Pengyu, spokespers­on of the Chinese embassy in the US, criticized the argument of overcapaci­ty as a “political tool” to “suppress the Chinese economy.”

A senior US official conceded the latest measures are “forward-looking.”

Nearly 90 percent of some 3.8 million tons of steel imports from Mexico is already melted and poured in either the US, Canada or Mexico, an official said on condition of anonymity.

Similarly, of the 105,000 metric tons of aluminum from Mexico, 94 percent was smelted or cast in the three North American countries.

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