Daily Tribune (Philippines)

14 Nigerians nabbed for fraud

Tansingco urged the public to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activities to aid in the BI’s efforts. ‘We rely on the public’s cooperatio­n to help us protect our nation from exploitati­on and fraud’

- BY ANTHONY CHING @tribunephl_ton

The Bureau of Immigratio­n (BI) conducted an operation in Las Piñas City, resulting in the arrest of 14 Nigerian nationals suspected of engaging in fraudulent activities, including love scams, online fraud and credit card fraud.

According to BI Intelligen­ce Division (BIID) chief Fortunato Manahan Jr., the operation was carried out by BI intelligen­ce operatives with assistance from local law enforcemen­t agencies. The arrests were made based on reliable informatio­n gathered over time, indicating the involvemen­t of the suspects in various fraudulent schemes.

Initially targeting Godswill Nnamdi Chukwu, 32, and Justin Chimezie Obi, 30, BI operatives discovered an additional 12 overstayin­g Nigerians during the operation. All 14 suspects were found to be in violation of their stay rules and were apprehende­d on the spot.

BI Commission­er Norman Tansingco emphasized the significan­ce of these arrests in maintainin­g national security and upholding immigratio­n laws. He underscore­d the BI’s commitment to protecting the country from fraudulent activities perpetrate­d by foreign nationals.

He emphasized the BI’s steadfast dedication to maintainin­g law and order, asserting a zero-tolerance policy towards any form of fraudulent behavior by foreign nationals. “Our priority is to ensure that our country remains safe for both citizens and visitors,” he added.

Tansingco urged the public to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activities to aid in the BI’s efforts. “We rely on the public’s cooperatio­n to help us protect our nation from exploitati­on and fraud,” he concluded.

The suspects are currently held at the BI’s holding facility inside Camp Bagong Diwa, Taguig, awaiting deportatio­n proceeding­s. Tansingco urged the public to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activities to help BI in safeguardi­ng the nation against fraud.

 ?? PHOTOGRAPH BY KING RODRIGUEZ FOR THE DAILY TRIBUNE ?? ANTHONET Embarga, 9, is spotted engrossed in a book on an overpass along Roxas Boulevard in Manila on Sunday. Despite facing obstacles that have halted her progressio­n in Grade 2, she shared that she always finds time to read because she genuinely enjoys it.
PHOTOGRAPH BY KING RODRIGUEZ FOR THE DAILY TRIBUNE ANTHONET Embarga, 9, is spotted engrossed in a book on an overpass along Roxas Boulevard in Manila on Sunday. Despite facing obstacles that have halted her progressio­n in Grade 2, she shared that she always finds time to read because she genuinely enjoys it.

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