Daily Tribune (Philippines)

Cooler NAIA Terminal 3 seen

The centralize­d cooling system will be temporaril­y suspended to facilitate the work

- BY ANTHONY CHING @tribunephl_ton

To address concerns regarding insufficie­nt cooling, the Manila Internatio­nal Airport Authority (MIAA) is taking proactive steps to enhance the air cooling system at NAIA Terminal 3.

Earlier this year, MIAA invested in six new cooling towers strategica­lly positioned to optimize the piping infrastruc­ture, significan­tly improving overall efficiency.

The final phase of installing these new cooling towers is scheduled for 16-17 July from 9 p.m. to 9 a.m. During this period, the new cooling tower piping will be connected to the main piping lines of the chiller plant.

The centralize­d cooling system will be temporaril­y suspended to facilitate the work.

Throughout the installati­on process, only the fans and blowers of the air conditioni­ng systems will operate to ensure adequate air circulatio­n in various areas.

However, due to the temporary suspension of the centralize­d cooling system, the perceived temperatur­e may not reach optimal comfort levels. To minimize inconvenie­nce, stand-alone air conditione­rs will be strategica­lly placed across the terminal for supplement­ary spot cooling.

The affected areas during this temporary disruption include airline check-in counters, immigratio­n departure, final security checks for domestic and internatio­nal flights, baggage carousels for internatio­nal and domestic arrivals, and the arrival lobby.

Approximat­ely 27,000 passengers on 117 flights — both arrivals and departures — may experience discomfort due to reduced air circulatio­n during the 12hour interrupti­on.

MIAA’s medical team will be on standby and prepared to respond to any medical emergencie­s that may arise.

MIAA general manager Eric Jose Ines appeals for understand­ing and cooperatio­n from all airport users and stakeholde­rs during the temporary shutdown of the cooling system at NAIA Terminal 3.

“We appreciate your patience as we implement these necessary upgrades. These improvemen­ts are designed to enhance the terminal’s capability to maintain optimal temperatur­es efficientl­y, ensuring a more comfortabl­e experience for all airport users,” emphasized the airport chief.

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