Daily Tribune (Philippines)

Trinidad not buying China’s SCS strategy

- BY LADE JEAN KABAGANI @tribunephl_Lade

A Philippine Navy official on Sunday bared that China wants to engage the Philippine­s in never-ending bilateral talks on territoria­l disputes over the West Philippine Sea (WPS).

In a radio interview, Rear Admiral Roy Vincent Trinidad, the Navy spokespers­on for the WPS, pointed out that China’s “long negotiatio­n strategy” is well written in the “books of communists to prolong the fight.”

“In the negotiatio­n, that’s part of the tactics to prolong their fight. Look at our communist insurgency here — it has been six decades and how many peace talks we have had with them. Because peace talks are there to support the war efforts so that our efforts will lead to nothing,” Trinidad said.

Meanwhile, Trinidad said the government should file another petition against China’s continuing harassment in the WPS before the United Nations.

“The government has been advised to file new petitions against China before the UN for their continuing harassment and our government is considerin­g this. And as we see, China is telling us not to file, let’s talk instead,” he said.

Trinidad believes the territoria­l issues between the two countries should be brought to a court of law.

“But for me, we should file. Because China is worrying if we would file a petition, they would be embarrasse­d,” he added.

On 12 July, the Philippine­s marked the eighth anniversar­y of the country’s arbitral victory in 2016, which also invalidate­d China’s dash-line claims over nearly the entire South China Sea.

The 2016 Arbitral Ruling confirmed the country’s maritime entitlemen­ts and rejected those that exceeded geographic and substantiv­e limits under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.

 ?? PHOTOGRAPH BY ANALY LABOR FOR THE DAILY TRIBUNE ?? Kaunting dilig A woman vendor sprinkles water on vegetables on sale in her stall a the Tandang Sora Market in Quezon City over the weekend for an extra dose of ‘freshness.’
PHOTOGRAPH BY ANALY LABOR FOR THE DAILY TRIBUNE Kaunting dilig A woman vendor sprinkles water on vegetables on sale in her stall a the Tandang Sora Market in Quezon City over the weekend for an extra dose of ‘freshness.’

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