Daily Tribune (Philippines)

Warning vs risks of flying drones


DAVAO CITY — The Public Safety and Security Office (PSSO), urged the public to consider the risks of drone flying as the Implementi­ng Rules and Regulation (IRR) of the local law governing it is still underway.

To deter any misuse of drones, Davao City passed Ordinance No. 0419-20 Series of 2020 but its IRR is still being finalized with the help of stakeholde­rs.

Angel Sumagaysay, the PSSO head said they are widening the informatio­n disseminat­ion on drones because many still do not know the risks associated with drone flying.

He said that drones can be used for other purposes such as surveillan­ce or carriers of improvised explosive devices (IEDs).

“The flying of drones on the flight path of airplanes also disrupts landing and poses danger to the crew and passengers. If not regulated, drones can also be used as a tool for bringing in contraband,” Sumagaysay added.

Angel Sumagaysay, the PSSO head said they are widening the informatio­n disseminat­ion on drones because many still do not know the risks associated with drone flying.

He said it can also inflict damage to life and property and flying it in populated areas can pose danger to people if it malfunctio­ns.

“Drones can hit not only people but also vital infrastruc­tures such as telecommun­ication towers and power facilities,” Sumagaysay added.

“It may not take too long to approve this IRR because it is almost done, its just a matter of review,” he said.

Under the IRR drones weighing below seven kilograms will also be regulated. It will also detail the punishable acts with correspond­ing penalties. The penalties include P3,000 for the first offense, and P5,000 pesos and confiscati­on of the drone for the second offense.

Sumagaysay said that they are conducting an informatio­n drive for the future implementa­tion of the IRR, with the cooperatio­n and support of drone operators, hobbyists and enthusiast­s, who were invited and informed about the incoming Drone Regulation Ordinance of the City through committee hearings attended.

Currently, the PSSO is requiring the registrati­on of drones being used within the city. Those who fly drones within the city need to secure a permit because the PSSO will give them a flight path and will provide guidance on the altitude of the drone.

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