Daily Tribune (Philippines)

Phl to be 3rd in net connectivi­ty in ASEAN —DICT

‘If we continue in this trajectory of 14 percent increase in our index in the past years, I am hoping that in 2028, we could probably be in the top three in ASEAN, assuming that we continue to get funding.’

- BY RAFFY AYENG @tribunephl_raf

The Department of Informatio­n and Communicat­ions Technology (DICT) sees the country ranked third in Southeast Asia in terms of Internet connectivi­ty four years from now.

On the second day of the Build Better Infrastruc­ture Forum in New Clark City, Tarlac, Informatio­n and Communicat­ions Secretary Ivan John Uy stressed that the Philippine­s, to date, ranks sixth in terms of Internet penetratio­n and speed from its previous sluggish standing at ninth place among in peers in Southeast Asian.

“We were able to do this in less than two years and we deemed that if we continue in this trajectory of 14 percent increase in our index in the past years, I am hoping that in 2028, we could be in the top 3 in ASEAN, assuming that we continue to get funding,” he maintained.

Uy said that as the country’s peers in ASEAN are not resting on their laurels to be the best in terms of digitizati­on, the Philippine government will not also stop getting huge amounts of investment­s to further improve Internet connectivi­ty.

Double what’s being put in

“We need to double what we are putting in because we are the one who wants to catch up,” Uy said.

In his presentati­on during the forum, Uy said the country has an Internet penetratio­n of 73.6 percent overall, as the DICT has implemente­d the Common Tower Policy, enabling third-party providers to expedite infrastruc­ture setup, and potentiall­y reducing the timeline from 10 years to just three.

The Broadband ng Masa Program, which establishe­s the national fiber backbone and middle-mile connectivi­ty, and the Free Public Internet Access Program provide free, secure Internet at 13,462 sites nationwide, according to Uy.

Meanwhile, the government’s Free Public Internet Access Program has already establishe­d 13,462 access points in 6,929 locations, serving 1,401 cities and municipali­ties across the Philippine­s, including 3,040 sites in Geographic­ally Isolated and Disadvanta­ged areas as of 30 June 2024.

Further, he said that Phase 1 of the National Fiber Backbone has already spanned 1,245 kilometers from Laoag, Ilocos Norte to Quezon City linking 14 provinces.

National Fiber Backbone

On the other hand, the National Fiber Backbone’s additional phases will deploy 6,300 km of fiber optic cable and wireless technology.

“Connectivi­ty that drives economic growth posted a 10 percent increase in internet penetratio­n, translatin­g to 1.4 percent GDP Growth. $6.07 billion in economic growth is anticipate­d by 2028,” Uy said.

The DICT secretary stressed that the Marcos Jr. administra­tion is aiming for a total 9.8 million users to benefit from free internet services in 125,000 sites nationwide by 2028.

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