Daily Tribune (Philippines)

Miracles at Clark


It’s public knowledge that Clark is the former US Air Force Base that was turned over to the Philippine government on 26 November 1991. Our national officials really intended, from the very start, to use the huge facility for civilian and economic purposes.

The pessimists, of course, just as with Subic Naval Base, thought the two areas would become ghost towns. But miracles do occur and the reverse happened — under the control and supervisio­n of the Bases Conversion and Developmen­t Authority or BCDA.

The synergy of expertise and values between the BCDA chairman, Delfin N. Lorenzana, and its president and CEO, Engr. Joshua M. Bingcang, came together in an effective blend of leadership styles that well served the agency’s goals and mandate.

By bringing to the fore a tactical mindset, born of years of experience as a Philippine Army officer and later as Secretary of National Defense, Chairman Lorenzana’s executive skills complement­ed engineer Bingcang’s analytical and technical expertise, creating an agency that was highly effective and efficient in working toward its goals.

A collective developmen­t was establishe­d composed of the Clark Freeport Zone, Clark Internatio­nal Airport, and New Clark City. Named “One Clark Vision,” this strategic initiative aims not only to bolster the region’s economic landscape but to reinforce its position as a major player in global investment.

One Clark Vision seeks to foster holistic developmen­t and elevate Clark’s competitiv­e edge as a prime investment destinatio­n. With a huge total land area of 35,890 hectares, One Clark Vision will compete with the likes of Singapore and the manufactur­ing areas of Vietnam. It would greatly benefit the Philippine economy as well.

Chairman Lorenzana detailed to me what I consider miracles embodied in several key projects: New Clark City which spans 9,450 hectares serves as a government hub and center for research, developmen­t, and technology. Next is the 2,100-hectare Clark Freeport Zone that focuses on leisure and tourism, attracting a diverse range of industries.

There’s the Civil Aviation Complex, covering 2,300 hectares, that supports Clark Internatio­nal Airport’s expansion, positionin­g it as a pivotal gateway and logistics hub. Aside from these, the BCDA incorporat­ed in One Clark Vision what they call a Subzone Developmen­t extending to an area of over 18,000 hectares. This would accommodat­e diverse economic activities focusing on ecotourism and environmen­tal preservati­on.

A very important factor in all these are the infrastruc­ture initiative­s that include extensive rail networks, road expansions, and sustainabl­e transport solutions, ensuring seamless connectivi­ty and mobility within and beyond Clark’s boundaries.

The region’s economic growth is evident, with exports totaling P302 billion by December 2023 and over 1,100 locators contributi­ng to its vibrant economy. The Clark Freeport Zone alone saw approved investment­s of

P2.86 billion by the end of 2023, while New Clark City attracted committed investment­s amounting to P95.7 billion.

BCDA’s groundwork for sustainabl­e developmen­t and implementa­tion has set the stage for Clark’s unpreceden­ted growth. Obviously, what makes Central Luzon the next investment destinatio­n — its population of over nine million skilled labor, its human capital of 13.4 million, combined with its central location and proximity to the national capital — makes Clark truly the place to be.

Partnershi­ps with industry giants like UPS and Lufthansa underscore Clark’s growing stature as a preferred investment destinatio­n, with projects ranging from airport expansions to cutting-edge technology installati­ons.

The BCDA is mandated to fortify the Armed Forces of the Philippine­s. Of the P142.95 billion as of April 2024 that it had generated since its 1993 beginning through asset dispositio­ns, over 42 percent amounting to P59.71 billion has been allocated to the AFP Modernizat­ion Program, underscori­ng BCDA’s commitment to national security.

That’s aside from having remitted P9.6 billion in dividends to beneficiar­y agencies while it spearheade­d the developmen­t of economic centers like Bonifacio Global City and Newport City, among others.

As we clearly see it, Clark is expected to rise rapidly as a major player in boosting the country’s economy, a miracle wrought by the people behind its assured success. place at night with a lot of singing, dancing and drinking. Israeli teens walk around as if there’s no war going on within their borders, while parents and their young kids sway to the beat of nursery music.

In the morning, the Tel Aviv metropolis is bustling. Traffic is everywhere as people move around, from employees to ranking executives of various private companies.

And mind you, they don’t wear the usual office attire of suit, long-sleeve shirt, tie and leather shoes. They come to work in jeans, shorts, round-neck

T-shirts and — believe it or not — flipflops.

And it’s not just the Israelis’ sense of normalcy that is truly admirable.

Known to be one of the smartest people in the world, Israeli technology, especially in sports, is top of the line.

In fact, they have everything that sportsmen need, like a camera that measures an intangible performanc­e, shoes that report the level of fatigue of an athlete, and an app that can edit videos in real time.

No wonder the Israelis are determined to make a strong impact in the coming Paris Olympics.

A top Israeli sports official said they will be sending 88 athletes who are expected to win a record four to five gold medals in sports like gymnastics, judo, sailing and marathon in the Olympics that starts on 26 July.

For a country that has a population of only 9.5 million and is being battered by war on all fronts, the target is truly impressive. It shows that they are determined and motivated to succeed in the biggest and most prestigiou­s sports event in the world.

The Filipinos should tear a page from the Israeli playbook. They should emulate their fighting attitude, strength, courage and ability to rise from the ashes of war.

Yes, military conflict is ravaging both the south and north of Israel with Iran threatenin­g their very existence with an all-out nuclear war.

But the Israelis remain undaunted. They are living their lives to the fullest, singing, dancing and drinking in the streets until the break of a new dawn.

“BCDA’s groundwork for sustainabl­e developmen­t and implementa­tion has set the stage for Clark’s unpreceden­ted growth.

“One Clark Vision seeks to foster holistic developmen­t and elevate Clark’s competitiv­e edge as a prime investment destinatio­n.

“The series of attacks was so bloody that it left around 1,200 dead while a handful were abducted and brought to the Hamas headquarte­rs in the Gaza Strip.

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