Daily Tribune (Philippines)

Carrying out our mission


Today, the Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, our Gospel is from the sixth chapter of Mark, wherein Jesus sends the twelve apostles out on their missions. Theologian­s and biblical scholars consider this scenario as a “pre-Church” because it happened in the very earliest moments of the Church and so it’s important for us to pay attention to what the Lord told them, that is, to reach out to more people and to call more and more people to God’s path and loving embrace once again.

He told the disciples to take only what they needed and to trust in the Lord, to carry out their mission and work, healing the people and performing great signs and miracles, casting out demons and proclaimin­g the Good News of God.

One of the characteri­stics of a leader is looking after the welfare of the men and women under him within a particular organizati­on. But the sad reality is this practice is only common within uniformed organizati­ons like the Armed Forces of the Philippine­s, the Philippine National Police, the Philippine Coast Guard, and perhaps the Bureau of Correction­s.

As you can see, it is inherent to officers and enlisted personnel who have undergone at least basic military training. Why? It is because, in military training, the character of an individual is shaped to become a leader — a character that is carried by an individual even after retirement from the uniformed service just like retired Marine Col. Ariel Querubin who belongs to PMA Class 1979.

Querubin said that if given the opportunit­y to become a senator, he would give priority to the following: Modernizat­ion of the Armed Forces of the Philippine­s; strengthen­ing the Philippine­s’ external defense; and uplifting the morale and welfare of all Filipino soldiers focusing on their basic needs like food, shelter and clothing.

For Querubin, the issue of the West Philippine­s Sea cannot be solved militarily but through diplomacy.

Meanwhile, recently in a press conference, an official of the Bureau of Immigratio­n said that out of 20,000 foreign students in the Philippine­s, two-thirds were Chinese and it was quite difficult to check on them because most had Philippine national IDs, birth certificat­e records through late registrati­on at the Philippine Statistics Authority, and other pertinent documents supporting their claims of being Filipinos. However, when asked, these Chinese could not speak even one word of Filipino or Tagalog.

If given an opportunit­y to talk to senior officials of the NBI and the National

Intelligen­ce Coordinati­ng Agency, I would make suggestion­s on how to prevent if not pre-empt similar cases involving foreign nationals entering the country and disguising themselves as Filipinos.

On another front, P/BGen. Rizalito G. Gapas, Northern Police District (NPD) director, launched recently the Camanava City Anti-Motorcycle Riding Criminals Patrol at the Caloocan National High School on 10th Avenue in Caloocan City.

The activity was a gathering of motorcycle riders from the cities of Caloocan, Malabon, Navotas and Valenzuela (CAMANAVA Riders), volunteer advocacy groups, road safety advocates, and force multiplier responders.

The NPD is committed to combating criminal activities using motorcycle­s. This involves not only taking direct action to neutralize criminal elements but also advocating and forging partnershi­ps with motorcycle riders to champion safety initiative­s in adherence with traffic laws and regulation­s.

Through these collaborat­ive efforts, the NPD seeks to enhance community safety and security while fostering a positive relationsh­ip with motorcycle enthusiast­s. Present at the activity were NPD Deputy District Director for Operations P/Col. Benliner L. Capili, the D-Staff, other NPD personnel, media and other personalit­ies.

“Out of 20,000 foreign students in the Philippine­s, two-thirds were Chinese and it was quite difficult to check on them.

“For Querubin, the issue of the West Philippine­s Sea cannot be solved militarily but through diplomacy.

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