Daily Tribune (Philippines)

Agri coop faces ecological challenges


The Rayuray Farmers’ Agricultur­e Cooperativ­e (RFAC) in Batac, Ilocos Norte shows the spirit of resilience in the face of climate adversity. The Climate Change Commission (CCC) engaged with the cooperativ­e to better understand the ecological challenges that affect their agricultur­al productivi­ty.

Philippine Atmospheri­c, Geophysica­l and Astronomic­al Services Administra­tion’s projection is that Ilocos Norte will have an increase in temperatur­e and rainfall by 2036 to 2065, which will result in drier dry days and wetter wet days. This poses challenges for various sectors, particular­ly agricultur­e, which is highly vulnerable to the impacts of prolonged drought and extreme rainfall conditions.

During the visit, the farmers shared their firsthand experience­s of how water scarcity and changing rainfall patterns have affected their crops and livelihood­s. The community has increasing­ly relied on groundwate­r extraction as their support for irrigation. This method, while beneficial, also presents risks of land subsidence.

“The supply of water to us depends on rain. Due to climate change, the season when water is strong and weak also changes and this affects our crops,” Barangay Captain Norberto Puyot said in Filipino.

Cooperativ­e members identified initiative­s and programs that are vital in sustainabl­e and climate-resilient agricultur­e. This includes solar-powered irrigation systems, rainwater catchment facilities, harvest calendar, droughtres­istant crops, post-harvest marketing, and informatio­n disseminat­ion, and knowledge and capacity developmen­t.

The CCC emphasizes the importance of collaborat­ive efforts to support cooperativ­es and local communitie­s such as the Rayuray Farmers’ Agricultur­e Coop.

The CCC formed a partnershi­p with Mariano Marcos State University, Philippine Rice Research Institute and the local government of Ilocos Norte to help formulate more appropriat­e plans of action toward climate-resilient agricultur­e in the region.

The United Nations celebrates the Internatio­nal Day of Cooperativ­es (IDC) every first Saturday of July. The commemorat­ion aims to highlight the relevance of cooperativ­es in promoting and advocating for sustainabl­e developmen­t.

This year’s IDC theme, “Cooperativ­es Building a Better Future for All,” acknowledg­es their efforts in creating a sustainabl­e and equitable future by empowering communitie­s and promoting inclusive economic growth.

Agricultur­e is highly vulnerable to the impacts of prolonged drought and extreme rainfall conditions.

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