Daily Tribune (Philippines)

New RC Makati president vows keener concern for mental health, environmen­tal concerns


An accountant, Harrison worked for Price Waterhouse in Johannesbu­rg, South Africa and HSBC in London before moving to Hong Kong in 1987 when he met the love of his life.

Improving the lives of the poor

Last Friday’s induction night at the Peninsula Manila was filled with more inspiring stories as former senator Leila De Lima, who was detained for seven years through false drug-related allegation­s by former President Rodrigo Duterte and his supporters, shared how determinat­ion can improve the lives of the poor.

She continued to speak about Duterte’s drug war linked to anti-human rights acts.

“I came to a deeper understand­ing on how apathy can become a menace in society if left untreated. In the grand scheme of things, we’re all connected,” De Lima said.

As former Senate committee chairperso­n on social justice, welfare and rural developmen­t, De Lima authored the Magna Carta of the Poor and the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program Act or 4Ps which provide cash subsidies for poor households.

“It aims to uplift the standard living of the poor by turning into reality the rights to adequate food, decent work, quality education and healthcare,” she said.

De Lima thanked the Rotary Club of Makati for sharing the mission to make the world “kinder” toward the less privileged.

“In doing good, you also inspire the good in others, fostering compassion­ate and productive citizens. This multiplier effect is part of the magic of Rotary.”

Pascual as youth role model

Meanwhile, Trade Secretary Fred Pascual was recognized as the Rotary Club of Makati’s Youth Leadership Role Model.

Pascual was a former president of the University of the Philippine­s and a finance professor at Asian Institute of Management in the 1980s, among others.

Regarding the Filipino youth, Pascual stated, “They are not just our future leaders but the torchbeare­rs of innovation, integrity, and inclusive growth. To be recognized as a role model for them is not just an honor — it’s a responsibi­lity I take to heart,” he said.

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