Daily Tribune (Philippines)

Include WPS issues as school topics, lawmaker presses


Filipino students should be equipped with a deeper understand­ing of the West Philippine Sea (WPS) dispute between the Philippine­s and China, as well as the importance of internatio­nal law, according to a lawmaker.

Representa­tive Margarita Nograles of Puwersa ng Bayaning Atleta (PBA) urged incoming Education Secretary Senator Sonny Angara to include these topics in the national history curriculum.

Nograles also expressed belief in a report by the Philippine News Agency that informatio­n about the WPS conflict would foster a well-informed citizenry and cultivate national pride.

“Educating our youth about the significan­t issues surroundin­g our territoria­l claims in the West Philippine Sea is crucial,” Nograles said.

“This will help them understand the geopolitic­al landscape of Southeast Asia and the importance of upholding the rule of law in internatio­nal relations,” she added.

The partylist lawmaker highlighte­d the importance of teaching students about the 2016 arbitral ruling under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.

The ruling, she said, was a pivotal moment that affirmed the Philippine­s’ sovereign rights in the disputed territorie­s. The decision also junked China’s expansive claim in the South China Sea that overlaps the WPS.

“Young Filipinos should be aware of the legal and historical context of our territoria­l claims,” Nograles explained. “This will allow them to better appreciate the efforts of our government and diplomats in defending our sovereignt­y.”

Nograles also expressed her full support for Angara’s appointmen­t, saying his experience in public service, advocacy for education, and leadership qualities make him well-suited for the role of education secretary.

“I am confident that under his stewardshi­p, our educationa­l system will continue to advance and address the evolving needs of our nation,” Nograles concluded.

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