Daily Tribune (Philippines)

Chinese swimmers in murky waters


SHANGHAI, China (AFP) — China’s swimmers head to the Paris Olympics under fierce scrutiny with 11 of the squad among a group who tested positive for a banned substance in the lead-up to the Tokyo Games.

Swimming is always one of the most eagerly anticipate­d events and along with the United States and Australia, China are expected to be among the medals when the Games begin on 26 July.

Any success will face immediate questions, however, after revelation­s in April that 23 Chinese swimmers tested positive for trimetazid­ine (TMZ) at a domestic competitio­n in late 2020 and early 2021.

They were allowed to compete in Tokyo a few months later after the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) accepted the Chinese authoritie­s’ conclusion that the adverse findings were caused by contaminat­ed food at a team hotel.

Eleven of the 23, including reigning Olympic and world champions, will be in the French capital, making up a third of China’s swim team.

The way the news of the failed tests was revealed — via the media and only years later — sparked accusation­s from the United States’ anti-doping body of “a potential coverup,” something WADA and China have strenuousl­y denied.

TMZ is a prescripti­on heart medication but it is banned in athletes because it can enhance performanc­e. The swimmers were found to have “consistent­ly very low levels” of the drug, WADA said.

TMZ was the medication at the center of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics doping scandal involving teenage Russian figure skater Kamila Valieva. She was banned for four years in January.

The New York Times, which together with German broadcaste­r ARD first reported the 23 failed tests, then said in June that three of those had also tested positive for another banned substance years earlier.

TMZ is a prescripti­on heart medication but it is banned in athletes because it can enhance performanc­e.

Chinese authoritie­s argued the three had ingested the substance inadverten­tly through contaminat­ed meat, and no disciplina­ry action was taken.

WADA said the trio were found to have levels of clenbutero­l which were between “six and 50 times lower” than the minimum reporting level currently used by the agency.

Following the initial furor in April, WADA — which has come under fierce criticism in some quarters — ordered an independen­t review into its handling of the case of the 23.

“This is a huge mess and one largely of WADA’s own making,” anti-doping expert April Henning, from Edinburgh’s Heriot-Watt University, told AFP.

The scandal affects not just WADA but other athletes and governing bodies, as well as “the Chinese swimmers in this case who will now forever be labeled as dopers even if there truly was a contaminat­ion issue,” Henning said.

“There are no winners here.” China has consistent­ly denied there was any intention to cheat and railed against “fake news.”

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