Daily Tribune (Philippines)

Go hails DORSU graduates nd


Senator Christophe­r “Bong” Go on Saturday lauded graduates of the Davao Oriental State University (DORSU) for their dedication and hard work during its commenceme­nt exercises at the Main Campus in Mati City, Davao Oriental.

Go was guest of honor and speaker at the event which celebrated the achievemen­ts of 1,516 graduates from various faculties, including the Graduate School, Faculty of Agricultur­e and Life Sciences, Faculty of Computing, Data Sciences, Engineerin­g, and Technology, Faculty of Governance, Business, and Management, Faculty of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences and Faculty of Teacher Education.

In his address, Go emphasized the significan­ce of the graduates’ academic journey. “You should all congratula­te yourselves for reaching this far. Despite being from different courses, you have each faced and overcome your unique challenges,” he remarked.

The senator also extended his heartfelt gratitude to the parents and guardians, highlighti­ng their crucial role in supporting the graduates.

Go likewise praised the faculty and the entire DORSU community for their commitment to education. He acknowledg­ed the university as a second home for the students and the teachers as second parents.

The senator encouraged the graduates to continue learning even after graduation, sharing his own experience­s. He emphasized that learning does not stop at graduation; even as a senator, he continues to learn.

He recounted that his journey to the Senate was unexpected, but his desire to serve and provide for the people guided him. Following the advice of former President Rodrigo Duterte, he always strives to do what is right, trusting that everything else will follow.

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