Daily Tribune (Philippines)

Making a mark with the country’s first Trademark Conference

With the tagline ‘Leveraging Trademarks, Beyond Branding,’ the conference is geared towards tackling relevant emerging trends and updates on the trademark policies and strategies in the country


In a bustling marketplac­e, a trademark strategy is critical for businesses to carve out a unique identity and gain a competitiv­e edge. Not only does an effective trademark help a brand stand out from the crowd, its impact could resonate across generation­s, securing consumer trust and loyalty and paving the way to its longevity.

The benefits of a company’s trademark also have a multiplier effect on the growth of the economy. In the Philippine­s, trademark-intensive industries brought on a 17-percent direct and 41-percent indirect impact on the country’s GDP, according to a 2017 Internatio­nal Trademark Associatio­n (INTA) Study. Trademark-heavy industries accounted for 15 percent of jobs and 47 percent of the value of exports in the country. Considerin­g the value of brands to businesses and the impact of valuable brands to an economy, the Intellectu­al Property Office of the Philippine­s is thrilled to be holding this month the first-ever Philippine Trademark Conference (TMCon Philippine­s). The event will span three days from 24 to 26 July at the SMX Convention Center, SM Aura in Taguig City.

With the tagline “Leveraging Trademarks, Beyond Branding,” the conference is geared towards tackling relevant emerging trends and updates on the trademark policies and strategies in the country. It will provide an avenue for discourse on relevant aspects of local and foreign trademarks, particular­ly trademark registrati­on, protection, enforcemen­t, valuation and commercial­ization.

Some interestin­g sessions will help participan­ts navigate trademark registrati­on procedures and timelines and ensure their compliance with regulation­s that will allow them to maintain their trademark ownership and protection.

The focus will then shift to “Charting New Horizons: The Madrid e-Filing and Revised Regulation­s,” wherein a ceremonial launch and demonstrat­ion of the electronic filing system for Madrid applicatio­ns will be conducted, as well as the launch of the Revised Madrid Regulation­s.

The event will stress the crucial step of securing legal protection over a brand. A legal foundation not only protects a brand’s identity but also enhances its value.

Valuation and commercial­ization will also take the spotlight, focusing on strategies and providing real-world examples of how effective trademark strategies can lead to business success.

TMCon Philippine­s will also feature an exhibit of select products and services with registered trademarks to enable networking opportunit­ies among stakeholde­rs. Participan­ts will also benefit from free co.

Representa­tives and practition­ers from the World Intellectu­al Property Organizati­on, the European Union Intellectu­al Property Office, the Philippine­s and other relevant parties will share their perspectiv­es on the evolving trademark landscape to give a global, regional and national viewpoint on key matters.

TMCon Philippine­s will also feature an exhibit of select products and services with registered trademarks to enable networking opportunit­ies among stakeholde­rs. Participan­ts will also benefit from free consultati­ons with experts. Filers can apply on-the-spot to register their trademarks as a booth dedicated to helping applicants will be set up.

The event is expected to gather about 300 attendees each day, including participan­ts and experts for high-level discussion­s.

Join us at TMCon Philippine­s 2024 to explore the latest in trademark branding, protection and commercial­ization. Watch out for further announceme­nts on our social media pages and don’t miss this opportunit­y to network with industry leaders and gain valuable insights into the everevolvi­ng world of trademarks.

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