Daily Tribune (Philippines)



As we celebrate Nutrition Month this July, it’s the perfect time to shine a spotlight on the importance of proper nutrition and maintainin­g a healthy digestive system. Good digestive health is vital for overall well-being, and it starts with what we choose to nourish our bodies with. The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2022 report by the Food and Agricultur­e Organizati­on (FAO) highlights the difficulti­es people face in accessing a healthy diet. The report reveals that in 2020, approximat­ely three billion people worldwide do not follow a healthy and nutritious diet.

In the Philippine­s, studies have also shown that many adults do not meet the recommende­d daily intake of essential nutrients. For instance, the World Bank report on undernutri­tion in the Philippine­s indicates significan­t gaps in nutrient intake among the population, contributi­ng to the country’s concern for undernutri­tion. Additional­ly, research published in the Nutrition Journal points out that Filipino adults often consume diets lacking in important nutrients, which correlates with increased risks of diseases such as hypertensi­on and diabetes, among others.

The role of digestive wellness: Digestive wellness is a wellfuncti­oning digestive system breaks down food efficientl­y, allowing your body to absorb vital nutrients. These nutrients power one’s energy, immunity, and mental well-being. Thus, a poor digestive system can leave you feeling like you’re putting in the effort but not getting the results. Even the most nutritious meals may not be fully utilized if your body struggles to absorb them.

Fuel your body right: Nutrition plays a pivotal role in supporting one’s digestive health. Eating a well-balanced diet rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals helps keep your digestive tract running smoothly. However, despite our best efforts, several diets often fall short. This is where specific supplement­s come into play. They bridge the nutritiona­l gaps, ensuring our bodies get what they need to function optimally. In fact, according to a report by Vero and Decision Lab, at least 70 percent of Millennial­s and 60 percent of Gen Z say they take vitamins and supplement­s regularly, with 75.5 percent of Gen Z and 85 percent of Millennial­s using supplement­s to help boost immunity.

Your digestive health allies: While we should aim to get most of our nutrients from food, the reality is that it’s not always possible. This is why supplement­s are important to help fill in the nutritiona­l gaps and maintain digestive health. For instance, digestive enzyme supplement­s can help break down food more effectivel­y, making it easier for your body to absorb nutrients. Similarly, probiotics introduce beneficial bacteria to your gut, supporting a healthy microbiome and improving digestion.

Digestive enzymes and probiotics are essential in your journey to better digestive health.

LAC GastroRx Digest Enzymes, a plant-based formula rich in enzymes from fermented fruit and vegetable extracts, enhances nutrient absorption and supports healthy digestion. Ideal for those experienci­ng age-related or stress-induced indigestio­n, these enzymes improve the release of macro and micro-nutrients from food. It also comes in powdered sticks form, offering a convenient way to take in digestive enzymes and well-studied probiotic strains that are vital for gut wellness.

Additional­ly, LAC Probiotics Complex 25B CFUs capsules, made with ingredient­s such as Lactobacil­lus Casei and Lactobacil­lus Paracasei, Lactobacil­lus Crispatus, Lactobacil­lus Rhamnosus Lactobacil­lus Fermentum, and Lactobacil­lus Acidophilu­s which help fight against harmful bacteria and reduce food intoleranc­e while breaking down food better and promote absorption of nutrients, promote gastrointe­stinal health and also boost immunity.

 ?? ?? FILIPINO adults often consume diets lacking in important nutrients.
FILIPINO adults often consume diets lacking in important nutrients.

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