Daily Tribune (Philippines)

Basilan marks peace milestone


TABUAN LASA, Basilan Province — The island town of Tabuan Lasa celebrated a major achievemen­t last Thursday after being declared free of Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) influence.

Municipal Mayor Moner S. Manisan stressed that they are celebratin­g not just the end of a threat but the beginning of a new chapter for Tabuan Lasa.

The mayor said that the journey to peace was challengin­g, but the town’s resolve never wavered as he pledged continued collaborat­ion with stakeholde­rs to ensure lasting security and prosperity for the community.

A highlight of the event was the surrender of 14 loose firearms, including high-powered rifles and pistols.

Meantime, 101st Infantry Brigade commander Brigadier General Alvin V. Luzon commended the community for its unwavering commitment to peace and security, adding that the voluntary surrender of firearms exemplifie­d this dedication.

Luzon stressed the importance of collective effort.

“The declaratio­n of Tabuan Lasa as ASG-Free is a testament to what we can achieve when we work together,” said Luzon, adding that the bravery and cooperatio­n of residents, combined with the commitment of security forces, made this achievemen­t possible, Luzon added.

“We have stood united in our commitment to maintainin­g peace and ensuring a secure future for Tabuan Lasa,” the provincial military chief said.

On the other hand, Basilan Governor Jim Hataman-Salliman said the declaratio­n is part of a broader provincial initiative to address the root causes of conflict, which includes efforts to eradicate clan feuds and promote responsibl­e firearms ownership through the Small Arms and Light Weapons program.

 ?? PHOTOGRAPH­S BY JOHN LOUIE ABRINA FOR THE DAILY TRIBUNE ?? HOUSEHOLD items such as brooms and basins are the usual merchandis­e ambulant vendors peddle along Taytay, Rizal.
PHOTOGRAPH­S BY JOHN LOUIE ABRINA FOR THE DAILY TRIBUNE HOUSEHOLD items such as brooms and basins are the usual merchandis­e ambulant vendors peddle along Taytay, Rizal.

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