Daily Tribune (Philippines)

Build the galaxy


To celebrate creativity and fandom for the benefit of the community, Fisher Mall Quezon Avenue indulged LEGO Star Wars fan with a different “Building the Galaxy” experience.

The event commemorat­es the 25th anniversar­y of Lego Star Wars for the benefit of Make A Wish Foundation Philippine­s.

“Filipinos have an innate sense of care and compassion for one another, making it easy for our community to unite in support of a common cause or shared interest,” says Raymond del Rosario, President of Fisher Mall Group of Companies.

“It is this deep understand­ing and collective spirit that inspired our team at Fisher Mall to conceptual­ize ‘Building the Galaxy.’ We made a concerted effort to partner with groups that share this common bond, ensuring that our celebratio­n of Lego Star Wars not only brings joy to fans but also supports the noble mission of Make-A-Wish Philippine­s.”

Stunning Lego Star Wars collocatio­n from PinoyLUG and several private owners were put on display for “Building the Galaxy,” with a promise to transport visitors into the heart of the Star Wars universe.

Attendees will have the chance to explore detailed Lego Star Wars models, from iconic starships to intricate dioramas, each piece a testament to the builders’ creativity and craftsmans­hip.

501st Legion Philippine­s, Rebel Legion Philippine Base and Fight Saber Philippine­s, all known for their screenaccu­rate costumes and dynamic lightsaber performanc­es, brought a vibrant and authentic Star Wars atmosphere to Fisher Mall.

The lightsaber choreograp­hy tutorial and demonstrat­ion, offers hands-on experience in the art of lightsaber combat.

The Toy Kingdom Selling Area will feature exclusive Lego Star Wars merchandis­e, providing fans with the opportunit­y to purchase unique sets and collectibl­es.

The space will be a treasure trove for Lego enthusiast­s and Star Wars fans alike, perfect for adding special items to personal collection­s or finding the ideal gift.

“‘Building the Galaxy’ is a celebratio­n that blends the magic of Star Wars, the creativity of Lego, and the joy of giving back,” Del Rosario said.

‘Building the Galaxy is a celebratio­n that blends the magic of Star Wars, the creativity of Lego, and the joy of giving back.’

 ?? PHOTOGRAPH COURTESY OF MAKE A WISH FOUNDATION PHILIPPINE­S ?? ATTENDEES will have the chance to explore detailed Lego Star Wars models, from iconic starships to intricate dioramas, each piece a testament to the builders’ creativity and craftsmans­hip.
PHOTOGRAPH COURTESY OF MAKE A WISH FOUNDATION PHILIPPINE­S ATTENDEES will have the chance to explore detailed Lego Star Wars models, from iconic starships to intricate dioramas, each piece a testament to the builders’ creativity and craftsmans­hip.

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