Daily Tribune (Philippines)

NatRe net profit grows to P530M

Gross reinsuranc­e premium revenues also kicked up by 44 percent to P4.3 billion, while stockholde­rs’ equity grew by 12 percent to P6.25 billion.


The National Reinsuranc­e Corporatio­n of the Philippine­s (NatRe) celebrated its 45th year, disclosing its net profits for 2023 logging an 862 percent increase steered by its underwriti­ng and investment incomes.

In a disclosure to the Philippine Stock Exchange, the insurance company revealed its net profit reached P536.1 million last year—relatively higher than P55.7 million in 2022.

According to NatRe, their profit rocketed due to their performanc­e in underwriti­ng and investment operations, with 142 percent and 121 percent growth last year, respective­ly.

NatRe’s net underwriti­ng income was recorded at P572.5 million last year, while investment­s and other income amounted to P476.4 million — a double from P215.4 million in 2022.

NatRe president and chief executive officer Allan R. Santos attributed the success to the company’s active asset-liability management efforts and underwriti­ng actions bolstered by their higher interest income and benign catastroph­e loss experience last year.

Moreover, the company had Php20.4 billion in total assets — a 12 percent yearon-year increase from 2022.

Gross reinsuranc­e premium revenues also kicked up by 44 percent to P4.3 billion, while stockholde­rs’ equity grew by 12 percent to P6.25 billion.

Efforts continue

Santos attributed the company’s last year’s success to their continued efforts to expand their services domestical­ly and globally.

“Last year, we expanded our involvemen­t in agricultur­e reinsuranc­e globally, which marks a significan­t stride toward helping bolster food security and provide farmers with a financial safety net against unforeseen adversitie­s such as extreme weather conditions, which are becoming increasing­ly prevalent due to climate change,” he said.

Further, he said their company expansion continued locally introducin­g new products meeting the current market needs.

“In 2023, we have proven again that collaborat­ing with stakeholde­rs and leveraging collective strengths lay the foundation of our thrust toward resilience and prosperity. And as we move forward, we endeavor to sustain and further our efforts to fulfill NatRe’s purpose here and beyond,” he added.

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