Daily Tribune (Philippines)

Ejercito blasts ‘Wattah, Wattah’ fest lapses

‘Before, I personally had those who caused disturbanc­es and sprayed water on people going to work arrested.’


A lawmaker on Friday has blasted the handling of the recent “Wattah Wattah” festival in San Juan City, attributin­g the reported rowdy behavior of some of the city’s residents to “failure of leadership.”

Senator Joseph Victor “JV” Ejercito — a former mayor of San Juan — expressed sadness on the incident, saying that San Juaneños are not like that as he contrasted his experience overseeing the festival with the recent events.

He argued that a lack of preparatio­n and enforcemen­t led to the problems.

“Before, I personally had those who caused disturbanc­es and sprayed water on people going to work arrested,” Ejercito said.

The senator also dismissed claims by current Mayor Francis Zamora that outsiders might have been responsibl­e for the chaos.

“This is a product of his imaginatio­n to cover up for the lapses of his leadership,” said Ejercito, who also urged the local government of San Juan to “stop looking for others to blame” and take responsibi­lity.

“It’s really a failure. Looking for others to blame to cover up. That’s laughable; no one in San Juan would believe that,” the lawmaker said.

Ejercito also pointed to his own tenure as mayor (2001-2010) as an example of successful festival management.

“Under my administra­tion and Mayor Guia’s, there were hardly any incidents during the fiesta,” said the senator as he described implementi­ng rules and parameters, including limiting water dousing times and locations.

Meanwhile, a delivery rider, Eustaquio Rapal, filed a criminal complaint against an individual involved in the festival’s disturbanc­es. This legal action highlights the potential consequenc­es for those who disrupt the festivitie­s.

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